Time hates me (some pics of my FAM!)

How does three drinks make a personf eel as crazy as I do this morning/

ugh. i slept too late. I have too much to do. the GOOD side is that my mother realized that, yes, she can drive down to my aunts without following me. So I have gained at least another half of a day to finish everything on my list. I have a horrible headache though and i don’t feel like doing it.

but lets see. i shall list it and be boring:

*Clean my room.

it’s a hellhole. i didn’t fold my laundry last week so it got melded with the laundry from this week and now it’s just a giant heap of a monster of hellish LAUNDRY. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! My floor  also seems to have my ENTIRE DVD COLLECTION scattered all over it. that was compliments of my children. thanks kids!

Jonathon gets into this mode where he wants to look at everything and try to read it. and he chose my dvd’s the last go round. ugh. I also have weird toys that I’m just going to throw away amidst the madness.

i also need to wash my bed sheets and stuff….


*Take a shower

Which includes washing my hair and cleaning the bathroom. it has a pile of laundry and… more compliments of my children and ENTIRE bottle of coconut body soap was poured all over the sink last night. yay! so that’s gotta be cleaned in the process. and i’ll probably mop the floor.


*Make the DvD

Yeah, if I don’t, i’m gonna beat my head in. So I MUST get that done TODAY and then I can probably burn the dvd’s tomorrow morning with no stress. but this also includes having my kids do a few more clips of video. a song or two. and them saying merry christmas. I also need to take a few "nice" shots of them so I can photo shop them. I did this one of my dad last night:

I like it. That was at Thanksgiving. Of course he was reading his Bible to everyone. That’s a staple with my dad. No family gathering is finished without a passage from SCRIPTURE! WOOO!

whatever. but… i liked how i made it all ethereal and "holy" lookin. hahahah. yay photoshop! i’m learnin trickses!

here is one of my sister Alyssa (who looks a lot like me), she is 17:

This is my oldest sister Angelique (she’s 22! AHHH!):

yep. photoshopped. but i like the way the lighting came out. that damn softening filter RULES.

Yeah, anyway… those are a few I did last night. So I wanna do some of my boys and make them cute too. Oh.. and I did this one of my stepmother. She hates the camera, so this is the ONLY shot of her close up:

Yep, so that’s the woman who raised me from when I was 2. hm. ok. anyway. i’m distracted.. LOSING TIME.

I also have to do TWO versions of my dvd. One for my dad and one for my moms’s side of teh family. because they wont’ care about pictures of the opposite sides.

if that makes sense.

divorce SUCKS.


*Finish the damn it to hell scarves

Yes. I must. I also realized, after getting gifts from the airport manager and a few other co workers, that I may  need to see if I have any left over yarn and try to construct some scarves for my office. it would equal 7. *sigh* but i’m not gonna stress about it. stil have to lengthen a few and i want to run them through the dryer with a fabric softener to make them smell good and such.



oh my god. I have too much of that to do. Granted, if I clean my room there will be space to do it and i have videos i can watch and it’s not a big horror. I just hate doing it. I suck at it.


that doesn’t seem like much after writing it out, but it puts me in a perspective.

i think i’m gonna start with the shower. i got REALY hot under my down comforter last night and jacob pissed me off so i was in a rage so i sweat and now *sniff sniff* yeah… SHOWER.

i know you wanted to know about my smell.


YEAH. so i’m gonna go start my drama.

I"ll probably be back because I can’t help being DISTRACTED.





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December 22, 2006

Good grief – was your stepmom a child bride? She looks extremely young to be your “mom”!!!!

December 22, 2006

So she is young, relatively speaking, but still appears much younger than her years. And btw, your dad appears to belong to the Pasty race, yet he has a thing for women of color?? And apparently a thing for YOUNG women 🙂 Mix that w/ some Bible thumping and I bet you’ve got an interesting character there! Are the brothers that you mention 1/2 bro’s from your mom’s side?

December 22, 2006

Yay for picture day!!

Thanks for sharing pics of your family, that’s great. Agreed w/pintador’s first note…your Mom looks very young in appearance…must be that fiery personality (I’m thinking of the hospital experience mainly – ha ha) that keeps her looking so youthful. 🙂

ryn: I refer to them as the ‘hella days’ heheh ((((BIG HUGS))))

December 23, 2006

happy christmas hun

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

December 27, 2006

i didn’t note this entry?! hmm.. weird… i hope you had a great xmas!! i can’t wait to hear about it!

December 27, 2006

hey sugarplum…loving the piccies…thanks for the blank note…i didnt wrap a single pressie until xmas day mornin…for tehm to be unwrapped 3 hours later… *~* P x P ~*~

December 28, 2006

Your mom looks really young, that’s a good thing. I liked the altered pic of your dad.