She’s a crazy ranting fool isn’t she?
If you’re a fav, you might want to check out prev. entry (it’s fav’s only) because… well… if you’re a fav, you just might (it’s a video i made last night). I’m a lunatic. but i embrace it. Someone told me it’s just "silly"… but i’m 27 years old and find it quite fun.
Tell me I’m not crazy and I’ll know that half the world must be as far gone into lunacy as I am.
it was a failed attempt to make one of my best friends smile.
Oh well.
I suck.
but someone sucks more than me.
what the hell.
Does the population of our country NOT know how to spell anymore? so she has to do spelling bees in EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER SONGS.
first it’s delicious and tasty… now GLAMOROUS.
I heard her new single when I was driving to the vanpool place today. What the hell. It’s getting old and ANNOYING! She spelled out glamorous like 20 times for some reason. Is that cool? did I miss something? Why does she keep DOING IT?!
her and gwen stefani need to be put on a boat and put out to sea for a few weeks so they can get their heads right. They both annoy me to no end. If it’s not some stupid beat that sounds like a three year old banging on something it’s dumb lyrics, stupid looking clothes, crazy ass gimmicks or a mob of poor exploited asian girls being dressed up like idiots and made to follow them around so they look "good"… if you wanna call it that.
It bothers me. I’ve held my tongue about this shit LONG ENOUGH.
make it STOP.
I can’t TAKE IT!!!!
It’s either that or the new wave of "whine like you have no balls" music(people are gonna hate me for this one, but I don’t care). All of these new male artists with these slow whining boo hoo i’m so emo and i need to sing through my nose songs are excruciating. i can’t even really tell you who they are. Except for I turn on the radio and 8 out of 10 stations are playing some of the dribble and it all sounds the same but it’s not the same person. My example of this is that "counting cars" song. *shiver with rage* yes, i know everyone looooooves it and it’s soooooo whatever it’s supposed to be… but it’s not to me. it’s just annoying. I tried to like it. listened to the words and everything. but… is till hate it.
I’m just vengeful and horrible this morning aren’t.
and bitchy.
oh well. like i said. i’ve been quiet and nice long enough with the state of music right now. I’m not a big "mainstream" person as it is… though I do enjoy a few weird artists and songs… but COME ON. it’s all going in a bad direction. I’d rather veer back towards bubble gum pop. I’m serious. I don’t even know what to call this crap right now.
that’s what i’ll call it.
just plain stupid.
Ok, so I got my rant out.
I feel better now.
on another front. i have to complete about 6 or 7 scarves in the next day and a half.
i also must complete a 30 minute video (I’m hoping for 30 minutes anyway) that include 3 picture slide shows that I’m not sure how I’ll get it done in the time I’ve allowed myself. I have to do those by Friday. I think. (It’s a dvd gift of my sons singing and hopping around for the grandparents and the like)
ugh. I procrastinated too much with my projects. I suck.
I suck as much as the music on the radio.
hopefully I won’t be as bored today as I was yesterday.
Ha ha ha… oh time will tell…
watch out!
gotta get back.
back to the past.
samurai jack.
*bee bee bee bee bee beeeeeee*
The music on the radio DOES SUCK. I thought I was the only one. Every time we visit Chicago Friends they play and sing all this CRAP and my very soul cringes.
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WOW I agree with all of it as soon as i hear those two ladies i change the channel.. what the heck it takes me 3 times listening Fergie to figure out what she is spelling, and then i am annoyed.. and the yodalling Gwen i want to kick you, she is seriously some one who i would want to kick & my friend said how she is a fashionista but like never matches.. which i think is true and funny… oh my god and freakin that song lips of an angel I freaking HATE it… wow you really got me going on this topic!! oh and the video think you were talking about of the kids sounds great!!!
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put them together and you get: tasty bananas T to the A to the S-T-E-E they’re tasty Bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S
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a failed attempt to make who smile? not me i hope. i laughed till i was red. you said jack. *stern look*
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You are not a crazy ranting fool! hehe. Crazy…ranting, maybe, fool no..hehe. *hugs* The video was hilarious…lol.
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your entries are always so interesting! lol i dread even hearing the new fergie song. She really does spell in everything it started with the Black Eyed Peas. UGH!
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It would appear I’m not missing anything by not listening to the radio much lately. Only thing I remember really catching is some dude singing how’d you get in them jeans or some shit. I just laughed and was like wtf am i listening to. haha. Good thing most of my music listening occurs with winamp on random. Of course, Amos does have some pretty crappy stuff on here. But at least I can skipit. 🙂
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It’s amazing that I manage to find new artists to listen to now and then because I NEVER listen to radio stations, save for sports radio. Otherwise, it’s a variety of CDs I already own. I guess I like to control what I listen to. Now, dammit! :-p
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A-Freaken-Men I am so sick of both Fergie and Gwen, there both sell outs. I liked Fergie a long time ago back when she was on Kids Inc. but now she is just ..ugh! <3 Annie-Rae
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Went back and saw the video — very impressive!!! You have a future in children’s television or anybody’s television.
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Yeah that is the worst music in the world. Or at least in the running for that title. ryn: My book. The one I’ve written (and am still writing) and I try to be mysterious. It’s more fun that way.
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I think you just did an old person rant
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hot picture to
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Vid don’t work at work so will take a look later on. Love the new pic. Very hot looking 😉 Hope you’re feeling less p*ssed off reading this note. I’m so damn tired I’m glad today is my last day before Christmas! RYN: Haha you think? Hug away.
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