Meh. Eat a cookie. Love it. MMMM
Having a new computer is great and all, but boo to my programs not working. Well, the internet works, but I had stuff to get done before this holiday party that will now be left to the sharks and piranhas. my hair looks like crap today. some evil void stole all of my cute work shirts and i’m stuck wearing this lame thing that likes to roll up on the bottom. So i’ll be worrying about how that looks the entire time. I know I’ll have to stand up in front of all of these people and though i’m not nervous, i do wanna look cute damn it!
how it be, what it were, when it go?
I slept fitfully.
I’m not sure why I keep thinking something BIG is about to happen.
nothing is going to happen.
my life is a doldrum.
i also have "ominous" going on about superhottie. methinks i’ll never hear from him again. no real big deal, but sorta sad because he won’t like… say good bye or tell me any reasons. he’ll just disappear as they all do. so waht we’ve "hung out" for over a year. if the wild blue yonder calls, it calls.
whatever, why do i care.
i am, after all, the lonely drunk girl.
i’m not drunk right now.
i have a new keyboard and it’s SO QUIET.
it’s like *plink plink* instead of *CLICKETY CLACK*
another annoying thing, i can’t right click ANYTHING. i get "you don’t have access to this bitch" errors. it’s annoying. stupid work trying to keep us computer knowledgeable fiends out of the workings of the machine.
oh well, they are probably monitoring that i’vebeen doing this and loggin gmy keystrokes and i’m going to get in trouble.
ha ha. oh well. I guess I"ll go fiddle with my printer.
love to all!
if iget a chance to post any story, i shall!
Monique, OUT! (said like Seacrest, out!… cuz i feel like it.)
Seacrest as in Ryan Seacrest? Aww, Monique…you can do better! ;-p Yeah, I hate getting new PCs…all that new set up and getting things just how you like them. I hated when I started this job a year ago because I didn’t have all of the access that I used to at my last job and so I couldn’t download this or that to customize my PC. Over time, I got it, though…bwahahahaha! 🙂
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haha i always laugh when people do the OUT like Seacrest.. he’s so lame… quiet keyboards are fun my lapbop is quiet and my desktop is super loud! have a fun day!! its not fun whe cute shirts are stolen and only have semi-cute ones left!
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i can’t right click either at work….its so annoying.
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::huggles:: CHris
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Good riddance to Superhottie — who needs him?…
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i just had a cookie and it was freakin awesome!!! cookie power!
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With my mouse I can click with the middle and it opens a new page for me if instead of trying to right click, if want to save something since I have Avant for a browser this annoying thing pops up where ever I am and I can click the picture thing and it will save. <3 Annie-Rae
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