little thieves
So Jonathon had to be at school early today. I’m SO TIRED. but i’ll survive. I discovered that some little child (i drilled jonathon and jake and i believe they didn’t do it, but who knows) has been coming in my room and stealing. stealing my penny jar an demptying it, taking from jonathoin and jacobs piggy banks. stealing my candy (ha ha) and other snacks. And they are clever enough to leave EMPTY wrappers a containers where the candy was so i won’t really notice until i pick it up.
they also hide wrappers underneath clothes and things.
it could very well by my sons, but i also have a klepto sister. i’m not kidding. she steals impulsively. it’s horrible.
so i got one of those childproof door handles, but if it’s HER she’ll figure it out. so i got a chain and some padlocks, but i’m having a hard time figuring out how to utilize them.
i know, insane, but i’m sick and tired of having people invade my fucking space.
bleh. i’m hungry and crazy right now. Not sure if I’ll get to my nanowrimo today, but i want to.
right now, three seconds after feeling hungry, i feel like puking.
that’s great.
well i know a lot of people are disappearing for Thanksgiving… as am I.
so I hope everyone has a delicious and memorytastic holiday. May the drama and stupidity take a damn vacation PUHLEASE.
i’m off to scrounge up something to eat.
even though i’m not hungry anymore…
*big huggzz*
how can you not know how to use a chain and a padlock hahaha do you want me to make a youtube video for you? 😉 i need to go watch that again haha
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lock and key works too. i had to use my webcam as a security camera when my brother was here.. so i understand hon.. ::hugs:: Chris
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happy happy almost turkey day!
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Have a good Thanksgiving as well! 🙂
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Happy Thanksgiving!
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happy thanksgiving *early* 🙂
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Use a safe
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i think you should set up a booby trap or a camera to catch the little goblin.
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huh, living with people SUX, ive enjoyed my time alone, and even though im excited that mike is moving in, im still gonna miss MY space
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Happy Thanksgiving.
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youve been tagged, read my last entry and follow the instructions
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hey ya yummy mummy…sounds like its all fun&games @ ur manic as ever this side of the pond bab.jus havnt had time to think about how to put it into words but am gonna do a huge entry next week at some stage so i can let off some steam.its needed…my diary had a make over to match the major overhaul thats been going on in my life recently.i missed you but you missed me more 🙂 ~*~P x P~*~
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sorry for messaging at 2:30am (GMT) but never now when ill next get he chancce…is it a sociable hour were you are???? ~*~ P x P ~*~
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everything ok with you?
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LOL That’s sneaky that they leave the wrappers.
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I hope you catch whoever it is <3 Annie-Rae
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