Sim Pics *featuring Holly Sim behaving badly!*
Yes friends.
It’s sim time!
I made two more sims, but I think I have a few more (mr knight, i have not forgotten you!)…
but I shall now present Evil Kittie and Just_for_me ! yaaaay.
Ok… Kittie first!
She was happily dancing on the side of the road… (she doesn’t have a house yet)
Gotta look HOT!
Mmmhmm, and we do!
and now Just_for_me with her doggy!
Her hair is a bit light, but I couldnt’ find a darker one and I liked that one! neener!
woohoo! hot mama!
Lovin the doggy…
Play time!
She doesn’t have a house either. But as you can see, she does have a lovely hole in the ground. ha ha!
Ok… and now it’s time for:
Holly Behaving Badly!
The last time we saw Holly, she had a bunch of morons over sitting in her house, eating her ramen (oh the horror!) and being general pains. Holly decided she’d try to be nice and cook some dinner:
Mind you, it’s not the best food ever.. Chicken helper… but ya know… she just moved in and all!
So she sat down with the two goofy boys (the lady was outside playing with Fin) to have some lovely food:
They spoke of music, and everything was going ok until Holly realized… these two boys were idiots. They had obviously flunked out of style school (i mean, a comb over and blue jumpsuit? hell to the nah!) and they had horrible taste in music!:
"Oh my god. They won’t shut up."
(*i actually took this pic cuz you could see her nose ring and I thought she’d get a kick out of it!*)
Suddenly she turned to the idiot who stole her Ramen and told him that no, his haircut was not cute and he stank!:
(yes, at some point the lady sat down to eat)
"When was the last time you took a shower? Let me help you out!":
"See! Water doesn’t hurt!"
And do you know what he did?:
He just wiped his face, sniffled a bit, and ran to the bathroom like a baby!
Next she turned to the lady, who was eating like a pig. She said, "hey! look! Aliens!"
Of course the lady turned to see them:
So Holly grabbed a glob of food and threw it at her! she was so rude! (yeah… that’s the guy she threw water on in the bathroom! ha ha!)
Holly just pointed and laughed. Boy she was being mean! But it was mean so good!
She shooed the idiots out of her house and she calmed down.
The end.
ha ha!
Now for random cute pics.
I introduce, the new and improved Jetty!
Jetty is actually crazy. He was running around batting those little stars out of the air. Later on, he was rolling around on the floor for no reason:
Yay Jetty!
Next, Fin was SUPER STINKY (notice the green stink cloud):
So she got a bath!
And yes, she proceeded to shake water all over the floor when she was done.
That was enough for Holly, so she went to bed. And I captured two cute Fin and Jetty bonding together pics:
first a little sniff…
And then they played. It was much cuteness.
So that’s all for my sim pics. I played a little more with some of the others, but it wast just building houses and stuff. Boring. heh heh.
Anyway.. tomorrow is work and I’m not ready…
even if I do only have to work two days. hee hee.
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you have such silly sims pics. if you can. may i get a toss in, if you wanna? ::huggles:: Chris
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Hehe, looks good. So does my sim and yours get to behave badly together? 😛 Take care hun.
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I love your sims!!! I really need to get me sims! LOL
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Awwww yeah for sims!
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oh my god hahhahaha. i’m appalled at my behavior. i have no lip ring though! 2 things: there appears to be a roll of toilet paper in the doorway to my bedroom. 2. in the background when fin is having a bath, is jetty playing bagpipes? hee hee
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LMAO that was the funniest sim thing I’ve ever read <3 Annie-Rae
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My dogs and cats NEVER play nice. Freaks. All of them.
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I love them!! *giggles* Yes, my lovely doggy, breasts and hole in the ground. With those three, who can resist me?!! Bwahahaha!! Love the SIMS babe! I’ve said this many times – YOU ROCK!
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