my computer is sick

ok … so my computer is really sick right now.

First I was having the power issues. which may be the motehrboard or something else evil because last night i got the blue screen of death saying there was a "machine check error"


i have no idea what that means.

i did a scan disk, it didn’t seem to do much.

then i did a defrag, which kept erroring out.

so i did another scan disk (which takes about an hour and a half on my computer) and did another defrag which worked.

so we’ll see.

yes i’m writing this from home (it is my four day weekend) bu ti’m not sure how much my computer is going to take.

i’m going to leave it on while i take jon to school and do some shopping.

if it’s still on when i get back, it will be a tenative yay.

but i’m still pondering taking it to ge tchecked out.

i just hate giving my computer to people.

it’s like giving them my child.

yes, i’m insane.

and a good day to all.

i’m away!



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November 9, 2006


November 9, 2006

4 day weekend = JOY!!! i’m jealous!!

November 9, 2006

You too? It must be blue screen of death week and no one told us.

November 9, 2006

I have yet to see this blue screen of death. (knocking on wood)

i am so glompy huggle you everytime i see you now. ::huggles:: Chris

November 9, 2006

kick it

November 9, 2006

I feell the same way about giving my computer to someone! LOL I would definetly get it checked out though!

good luck!

November 9, 2006

4 day weekends always make me smile, but sick computers make me frown. lol.

Good luck with that!

November 10, 2006

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