I wanna live in a cave.



my pumpkins grew gnats.

that’s what i get for procrastinating throwing them out. at least they were outside. ha ha. the pumpkins were all squishy and horrible when i threw them out. and black inside. yay pumpkin mold! yay gnats! ew. whatever…

jacob won’t go to bed. he is walking around like this:


(do NOT pay attention to that pile of clothing. it’s actually clean, i’m just lazy and i dont’ feel like folding it. leave me alone. ha ha)

yeah, so that other thing that looks like a ghost… is Jacob.

he is walking around like that saying he’s an invisible ghost and he wants to live in a cave.

i had a pepsi for dinner.

i’m scared of ants in my room so i’m ocd spraying bug spray where i found them (i don’t know where they came in at, which bothers me) every 5 minutes. the spray has no smell. so i’m probably kiling myself with the fumes ican’t tell i’m killing myself with.

i’m tired.


I messaged photoboy. no response.


working a doublt shift tomorrow. i should rest.


and away!



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November 6, 2006

haha you always have clothes in the background of pics!! i love it i never fold my laundry either!!i had a pumpkin once that i didnt carve and i tucked it away in a cupbord (i dunno why) and found it months later, completely fuzzy with mold, and it was hallow, i guess it ate its own insides.

November 6, 2006

ahahhahaha ahhh. talk to you tomorrow.

November 7, 2006

Dont fumigate yourself!

November 7, 2006

You can leave your pumpkins outside for that long? I live in a nice quiet neighborhood and still the kids come and smash them all over the street.

Hey – a non-traditional ghost! Cool! :-p