The Twilight Zone Has Nothing On Me….

Ok, so I just bolted up from my little "morning nap"…


and I must document this dream.


Ok, so … not sure what was going on in the first half, but suddenly i’m driving in this car with this guy. I’m thinking in my head it’s the vanpool. but the guy turns and it’s not quite the morning driver (which for some reason i have been looking at him out of the corner of my eye, in real life, i have no idea) anyway, so… somehow we get to work at this huge warehouse… and it’s not where i actually work, but in my dream i do. so we go there and we are on this little cart and my knee touches his leg and we look at each other like "oh my, you’re hot."

and then we’re in the vanpool again, cept its REALLY not him. he looks sorta like a zombie with green peeling skin (not all over, just like this portion of his face, and i can tell it’s like fake halloween stuff) and so i go to peel it off and i’m like "get this off"

and we look at each other.

and in my head i go "oh my, this is a dream! i’m gonna fuck him!"


leave me be. sometimes i can take control in dreams and normally i go for something sexual. sue me.


so i’m like frantically ripping my clothes off (i’m wearing jean overalls for some reason. i haven’t worn such things in AGES!), and at one point i feel like i’m in that spider web thin area between awake and dreaming and i’m like "aw hell, i’m not going to be able to get my clothes off before i wake up!!!"

so i jam my  hand down his pants and he’s soooo huge and i’m like I WANT IT. I can feel the heat of his skin and he’s doing that arousing throb thing and starting to plump up (hahahahah) and  that makes me crazy…. and it was just SO REAL and so tangible. it was very odd.

(i’m so laughing at myself for this dream)

so i finally get my clothes off and i’m like bending over the dashboard….

and he’s so close i can FEEL his breath on my ear.

and then i wake up.

yeah, and i’m in the office.

and there is this projector on the wall that is one and all of these lights and Mr. Happy Doom comes in and says "wow, they couldn’t even turn off their stuff last night" and I look at the projector and there is a movie playing. and I totally thought I had overslept and the boss had come in and turned stuff on… especially since a really BIG boss is coming here today (in real life)…

if you haven’t guessed… I WAS STILL DREAMING.

i had just woken up… from a dream within a dream.

so this new office is totally not like the one i really work in. and so i’m trying to turn stuff off (the movie was this weird military footage that looked like nazis…. very odd)and i go into this room and there are two like… weird intimidating secret gestapo military types. and one looks like the beast on that OLD beauty and the beast tv show. YES HE DID.

and they are like "hey how ya doin, guess we better go get to work" and so the beast guy starts to go up these stairs…. and the other guy, at this time, i’m thinking is the crazy noise guy who comes up and talks everyones ears off….and so that guy, as they are leaving says "better, keep your mouth shut, i know what goes on"

and he like touches my breast.

and i was like WHAT?

and suddenly the beast guy is there again and he says "yeah, you always fuck me when you’re sleep. it’s awesome. you know you want it"

and i’m like HUH?!

and suddenly, no joke…

a new ME splits from me. like i instantly clone and i get all mad and i’m like ‘WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! YOU HAD SEX WITH HIM?!"

and the other me says "yeah, i couldn’t tell you, i didn’t want you to get mad" and i was like "but you always tell me when you do that stuff"

and the beast guy starts laughing.

so i’m standing there looking at another me all upset that i’ve been having sex with this crazy beast guy and not telling myself. like i have a split personality that is hidden and i just found out i have it even though i knew it was there all along. and i’m thinking "this explains the black outs…"

NOW KEEP IN MIND that all of this time, i actually thought i was awake!!!!! I hadn’t caught on to the "new" dream yet. which is just strange. That is….


and so my dad is mad at me and stomps out of the room.

and there are still two me’s.

and i can feel that i’m sore from sex and i’m just so mad that i actually do have black outs and in them i’m running around having sex with random people.

so i go out the window to run away from myself.

I knocked down this brick planter thing that i was using to crawl down the side of the house and so i go to get it and i put it back . i didn’t know where i was gonna go. and i’m wondering if i have a key to get back in….

So as i was leaving i see this family walking by and a little kid runs up on our porch to pet a cat, then they see me and i just figure i’ll go back in.

EXCEPT for a huge mass of cars pulling up to the house.

and they all want an ambulance.

and suddenly the assistant airport manager is there telling them about the availability of amublances.

and suddenly they are all camped out on the porch INCLUDING my two aunts on my moms side… ONE OF WHOM is no longer with us, she died like 3 years ago.


and so i’m pissed off suddenly because they all turned into reporters wanting to know about my sex life and the other me that had split from my body.

and i’m cussing them out and hitting them and throwing things.

and my two aunts are at the door and i told them they could never come in and i start throwing measuring spoons at them. yeah, those little metal ones on rings.

and they get up and go to this kitchen in the middle of the porch and start fussing at me. and am feeling so upset and regretful and sad that i did that to them, and i feel like they will never forgive me.

and my one aunt (the deceased one)says, "i’m so glad food makes me happy" and she’s putting salt in a big pan and they are just cooking.

and i back up from the door and lock it and i take two pillows and i’m thinking i just want to to go bed.

and the house NOW looks like how my dads house really looks.

and i go to get to my old room, but it’s not there.

bunkbeds in these huge rooms. no bathroom where it’s supposed to be.

and i’m thinking "oh they must have changed rooms so the boys would have more space"

so i go where their room normally is and they are all in there, and my 17 year old sister is there too and she looks at me.

and it suddenly starts to collapse, the dream does.

and i realize that i’m about to wake up.

but i’m scared to, because i don’t know where the other part of me went.

and i did one of those abrupt SIT STRAIGHT UP, GASP OF BREATH, DISORIENTED AGADY!!!!!! wake ups where i almost fell out of my chair.

and then i came directly here to write it.

it is one of the strangest most real dreams i’ve had in awhile.

and i’ve already lost a good portion of what happened that i didn’t even write down.

but i know my sub concious is dealing with something for sure.

that was strange.

and i must say, i’ve NEVER had a dream where i woke up from a dream within the dream. that was truly weird.

because like i said, i CAN take control of my dreams sometimes. and i can feel myself waking up and this time, i was able to keep myself "sleep" even though it was a dream in a dream and it was just… very odd.

and sex with a beast…

well ew.



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November 2, 2006

wow that was realyl freakin weird and kept getting weirder do you mean that beast show that was on like saturday afternoons where he lived in a subway underground thing? right?? oh man i watched that show a lot!!

November 2, 2006

How very nightmare on elm street!

November 2, 2006


Uh, wow. LOL. At least you got some in your dream last night. I was about to and I woke up. :-p

November 2, 2006

wierdo racoon dreams

Wow that’s some dream(s) <3 Annie-Rae

i just have dreams about normal things..kitties, final fantasy XI and things like that 😀 Chris

November 2, 2006

Couldn’t concentrate on the dream because I’m still chuckling over you bolting awake from your little morning nap….at WORK!!! HA! I saved the pic of you and your boys in my archives & will do something w/ it eventually. If you have a request let me know — Halloween’s over but we could always do a pilgrim family for Thanksgiving & Christmas is easy. 🙂

November 2, 2006

Wow, sounds like quite the dream. I’ve had those dream within a dream before. It is really weird, but if you concentrate hard enough you can feel the difference between the dream world and the real world.