a weird dream and other weird things

I had a strange dream.


W. was in it.

He was standing across this diner.

And I was standing with Jon and Jake up on this stage.

And he said "I am sorry. I want to try"

and he went up to Jonathon on one knee and sort of put his head down and tried to apologize.

But Jonathon didn’t care and didn’t want him around.

But I did and I was so overwhelmed and I started to cry.

And W pulled me close and told me it would be ok.

So… that was the dream

I guess it was more STUPID than strange.

Speaking of stupid. Fuckedupretard put some money in the account. So I don’t have to call him.


i am re-gaining weight. i no likey. gotta stop emotionally eating like a loser.

my shirt is SO TIGHT today. and it wasn’t this tight before. bah.

so photoboy messaging me. whatever. claims he was out on business. i don’t care.

i’ve got final fantasy. and a HUGE beautiful book to go with it.

I called to cancel my card. seems they had sent me an "upgrade" card last month. so it must be in my mail pile. so i can actually just use that one.

Not that I have any money.

ha ha.



gonna start my nanowrimoness.

I’m hoping it’s easier to get the words out than I think. I’m trying to re-rev up my engines, i’ve lost a little of that "oh i’ve got a good story" thrill i was experiencing.

i ate a bagel and it was good.

i feel like a slacker today.

i have a little bit more work to do today. tis good.

my stupid phone won’t send my halloween pics to my email.

it’s pissing me off.

i sent them at SEVEN and it’s 9:30 now.

stupid phone.

i may have to send them one at a time, which sucks. i only sent TWO at a time as it was. bah. i’ll wait till the end of the day and if not, i’ll re-send them. which sucks, cuz it costs money to do the data transfer. i should call them and yell.

ha ha.

i wanna go home.



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November 1, 2006

Me too.

November 1, 2006

I wanna go home too. Oh wait, I AM home. Sigh.

I swear the afternoon’s seem like forever because I take my lunch early. *sigh*

i wanna go home too. bah. 😡 Chris

November 1, 2006

i wanna go home too.. that is a werid dream and not one that you really needed to have… sorry… you will do great on nanowirm whatnot!!