i’m not an erotic writer…
Ok.. so about that damn booty call thing.
I don’t know what I was thinking.
I JUST met him that day and had him over…
I think we were both a bit nervous. eh. whatever.
i DID have an orgasm. but there is a difference btwn good sex and “eh” sex. this was “eh” sex. I could have done better with a porn and my imagination. But at least there was another body there and he was cute.
Oh yeah…and he’s 20 years old. So I feel like I scored… heh… He’s not that much younger than I am, but he’s still only 20 and I felt like hot stuff.
I feel like being “monique doucette: erotic author extraordinaire”
so here’s what happened. you can skip over it if you like. I’m going to camaflauge it in my background (though, if you ever change backgrounds it won’t be camaglauged anymore ya fool… LEAVE ME ALONE!)
ok…so you have to highlight it to read it…
He was really tall. I’m not talking normal tall, i’m talking GIANT tall… of course, I am short, but that’s alright… he was over 6 foot, he said 6’4… that’s tall. damn it.
but he was cute and had nice hands. I led him to my bedroom (the ONE night my boys decided to sleep in their room) and we laid down on my bed. I wanted to see how he’d start things, so i just relaxed and watched tv. and he came at me and said “we don’t need clothes on”
and so we undressed.
and yeah. so i’m not a good erotic writer.
damn it. I feel like it’s not “me” to write this way.
I got on top, he did my doggy style.
that’s more my style. i can’t flower it up, cuz it WASN’T flowery. I got mine, he got his. He left. there was minimal kissing and of course I went down on him. I like to do that, and i’m good at it *huff huff, shining the knuckles*
but yeah… he has a really looooong penis. I know you wanted to know THAT fact. and he’s really thin and has this cute little chest.
i’m insane. i need to quit.
this was a waste of time.
anyway… he’s contacted me the last couple weekends trying to hint at coming back. I’ve avoided it pretty well. He didn’t want to be aggressive and I couldn’t be bothered.
I can’t get ahead of myself. I need to talk about what happened last week.
I am the root of all my evil.
You were safe though, right? *hoping* Don’t need three lil monsters running around! 🙂 Ah hon, don’t beat yourself up over this stuff…there isn’t really anything wrong with taking care of business…lord knows I *need* to from time to time. As long as you are safe! *hugs*
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trying to come back? heh heh
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Damn, everyone on my favorites list is getting the sex. I feel so left out.
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You know what. . .sometimes you just need *sex* It doesn’t have to be anything special. If it’s not the guy for you who cares. As long as your safe. Once you stop looking for *HIM* he will come along. Trust me, the moment I stopped, I realized my best friend was my soulmate. 🙂
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LMMFAO @ I feel like being “monique doucette: erotic author extraordinaire”… Straight up sex is sometimes THE BEST!!!!!!
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You’re not a root, nor are you evil…..you needed a boning and you got one….simple as that……*reading on*
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