NaNoWriMo ~3
I felt myself frown involuntarily. I hate when she talks like that. Like some old guru from the temple in the hills. Her voice seems to deepen and furrow and bury itself in the words. And shes always smiling when she says that. The smile of a hunter looking for a weakness in its prey. The smile that showed her true nature, the motive behind everything she did the destiny that had chosen her.
Destiny chose me for this. I think destiny is a fool I turned away, I had to leave her presence soon. I could feel my mind crumbling around the edges. It came more suddenly this time. She knew and didnt stop me as I stumbled to the door.
As soon as I shut the large wooden beam behind me, I could feel my body relaxing. My muscles seemed to twang with the release of tension. My breath like an endless sigh I realized how sweet the air was on the other side of the door with her. Earth tickled my nose and made me want to sneeze. I hated that smell I long to stay there forever. I wish I wasnt afraid of her. I wish I knew what my destiny really was. I wish that I had been able to choose it.
This is 1833 words so far. bah. i’m not even CLOSE. much work to be done, but it’s what I have for now….
I think I’m going to call it Insane Destiny. orr Destiny Chooses You.
or… something equally cheesy and disgusting. bah.
But we’ll see…
god, i have so much I want to write about the last couple of days. I just feel so restricted about it… *sigh*
i like insane destiny
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I love it!
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write about it!
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Hmmm…whatever could it be? ::asks innocently::
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Oh cool 🙂 I’m creeping along with mine as well…
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