Only Girls Would Understand

I’m going to preface this by saying that this entry isn’t really male related, not can males relate, nor will most males even care to read this. So, if you are a male, I warn you now, and don’t blame me if you are either confused, grossed out, or you decide you want to be a girl and have gender issues. (tee hee)

Ok, so I just had a baby, most people know that, and the natural way to feed them is with my udders, i mean breasts. ha ha, sometimes I feel like a cow here at work cuz every 4 hours I have to hide in our little kitchen (which thankfully has no windows) and pump breastmilk to store for Jonathon while I’m away. I’ve been doing it since the beginning of August and I have quite a stockpile in the freezer. Somedays I do well and I feel really happy that I’m able to get enough to feed my son. It’s some strange providing instinct I have now and if I don’t get enough I get really sad… Like the last few times, I’ve found my production to be low. That sounds funny to me… god, I’m a cow!!! a real human cow!!! Where’s my oats and grass to chew on… and my 7 stomachs too! MoooOOOooooOOOOooo… muahahahahhaa… wait.. mooooah ah ah mooo ah mooooo… hi, my name is Bessy, I’m your pretty brown cow… mooooo oh god, i’m stopping i swear it…

Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, breastfeeding… so anyway, when a mother breastfeeds, oftentimes her periods stop. I haven’t had one for 2 months now and it’s really wierd. I mean… wwwwweeeeiiiirrrrddddddd… because I’m still going thru the hormone changes I used to go through, but instead of it being followed up by a lovely curse of blood, I get nothing. I get no justification. I can’t say I’m pmsing!!!!! ahhh… no exscuses for crying over commercials! No reason I’m mad for no good reason! No reason for needing to go on a chocolate binge and sleep for 12 hours. The agony… the torture… the injustice of just feeling crummy and not following it up. Heh, not like I miss the damned thing. It’s a hassle and it’s nasty and it just grates on my nerves… it’s just wierd to have my little moods and know that i won’t have a period that month. Heh, I feel spoiled… no period for 9 months… and then I won’t have another for as long as I breastfeed, which is going to be a year. HA HA…oh…..

See, I just had a swing. Did you notice it? Oh well, as long as I don’t go completely crazy, I think it’s pretty cooooooooool. ;p

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I hate my period. Well, if I had ovaries and whatnot, I’m sure I would hate my period.

October 23, 2001

periods are definatly awful. i totally understand not being able to justify it. i wish i was a cow cause when your a cow the biggest ones usually the bes tor prize winning….. …oh wait then they kill it. hehe

October 23, 2001

lol!! Somehow this entry made me want to go MooO MooO!! heh

LOL how cute hun. I have not entered into motherhood yet nor will I for A LONG time but even then…I think I will be a bottle mommy. 🙂 I hope all is well! Enjoy the lost periods while you can!

heh.. you nutt ball. I too will be a human cow in the not tooo distant future.. *sigh*. I’m sooo looking forward to the breast pumping at work.. *scoff* Speaking of crying over commercials.. I cried over a JIFF commercial last night — at least I think it was JIFF.. I dunno.. All I know was this sweet little kid made his mom a peanut butter sandwich. Tore me up. heh. =)

oh honey… My period didn’t come back for almost eight months and I loved that. It also helped me lose all the baby weight quickly. I’m now twenty pounds under what I was pre-baby. It’s normal. Promise.

October 25, 2001

Ha ha ha ha…periods, huh. I enjoy the exclamation point myself!

You are too funny! Just be careful no one tries to brand you!