3 Months- About my baby!

AAAAhhhhh… I just had a thought while I was working and I had to document it! My baby is officially 3 months today. It’s his “birthday”… awww, I want to get him some presents… Like he cares. Now I know what possessed my parents even though I destroyed most everything they bought me.

I want to go home NOW! I want to kiss him and watch him smile and make that gerber baby sound! He’s so big, and yet so small. He’s perfect and yet can be such a little spoiled rotten kid. I don’t mind it. He can be spoiled, as long as he’s mine… and since that will never change….

I never thought I’d love being a mommy so much. I thought I was so selfish. I thought I was incapable of the sacrifice it took. I thought I was too immature. Instead I find that I embrace it like nothing else. And despite it only being 3 months, I feel like I’ve been doing this for my whole life.

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October 15, 2001

ah, i love kids 🙂 when i grow up for real i’ll have two, i think. but that’s in the foggy distance. nothing is distinct for now.

I told you that you would be a wonderful mommy. Never had a doubt in my mind that yo would be. You are a wonderful, special woman and your little one will know that he has a mommy who thinks the world of him. *big hugs* Dont forget to smile! 🙂

Oh, how could I forget?? Happy Birthday Jonathon!! 🙂 *Big Hugs*

October 15, 2001

*smile* Happy Birthday!

This is so cool, don’t you love it when you surprise even yourself. I never doubted that you would be an awesome mother though. 🙂

🙂 that’s wonderful. you’ve changed, you know. even i can tell from your diary! it’s great. i’m glad you’re happy, and you’ve found your calling in life.

Thank you for all the wonderful notes you leave me. I truly appreciate each and every one. Aims

Wow… that’s a beautiful assertion. It’s amazing the strength we can muster when we need it most… take care