– 11/11/1918 –

In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep,
though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

By Colonel John McCrae

William Tecumseh Sherman
From Wikiquote

William Tecumseh Sherman (8 February 1820 – 14 February 1891) was a Union general during the Civil War. He succeeded General U.S. Grant as commander of the Western Theater of that war in the spring of 1864. He later served as commanding general of the army (1869 – 1883). He is best known for his destructive “March to the Sea” through the state of Georgia and is widely regarded as an early advocate of “Total War”.

War is Hell.
This quote originates from his address to the graduating class of the Michigan Military Academy (19 June 1879); but slightly varying accounts of this speech have been published:

I’ve been where you are now and I know just how you feel. It’s entirely natural that there should beat in the breast of every one of you a hope and desire that some day you can use the skill you have acquired here.

Suppress it! You don’t know the horrible aspects of war. I’ve been through two wars and I know. I’ve seen cities and homes in ashes. I’ve seen thousands of men lying on the ground, their dead faces looking up at the skies. I tell you, war is Hell!

As quoted from accounts by Dr. Charles O. Brown in the Battle Creek Enquirer and News (18 November 1933)

The YouTube link below was lifted from [brickpaver] by way of [oulin].

I wish, for the sake of our country and the world, that there was much more emphasis placed on the past and current insanity of war in history classes in all levels of school.

What happened yesterday as well as what happened just a second ago is history.

We must learn from it so we do not repeat it.

Repeat it any more than we are currently doing so.

P.S. Please read [brickpaver]’s entry of 11/10/10

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November 11, 2010

I have chills. Thank you, sir, for everything — this post, and your service.

well said. for no war is well done.

Thank you, Good Sir, for your service.

November 11, 2010

thank you.

November 11, 2010
November 11, 2010

Considering the amount of money to be made by those in the War Business, it isn’t likely to ever go away and the only thing to be learned is how much can be made?

November 11, 2010

Wow. Thank you for this sobering and respectful entry. War really is hell.

November 11, 2010


November 11, 2010

Blessed Be

that is quite the impressive video. thank you, for so many things, especially for today

November 16, 2010

We repeat war – over and over again. ryn – that was what I was thinking of… couldn’t believe I couldn’t remember it. Thanks.

dont know where to put the password sorry

ryn, i fell into a gated community of 4 plexes, town homes. look middle class and sweet on a tree lined grassed and flowered street. 3 pools 3 spas and a lovely park.. ..except some of these are not 4 plexes. oh on paper they have different owners but if you happen to live here you soon realize the walls were opened and what was 4 is one or 2, have you ever seen a carpeted garage? amazing. i dont say much because hey. they help keep our community strong and healthy. we need a reline on a pool? no problem….so yes. them that have money are strange about hiding themselves. and these neigbors of mine are not in the money category you came across..unless that is a govt safe house….