– I Really Dont Hate Squirrels –
Except when they are raiding the bird feeders!
I think they may have gotten the idea though. I havent had to use the Bell in at least two weeks.
I was sitting on the back porch/deck the other day and I notice a tree rat wandering around east of the dog pen/garden with an acorn in its mouth. It hops up onto the stump of a tree we had to take down a few years ago. We dont normally try to dig out the stumps. We usually just square off the top of the stump and use it as a stand to put flower pots on or sometimes use them as a place to sit. That particular stump is beginning to rot away and we dug out some of the rotting wood, put in some soil and planted flowers in the stump.
The deer however decided that the stump was a salad bowl and ate the flowers. Theyve also done a number on most of the pepper plants. For the first time since weve had a produce garden the damn Bambis ate just about all of the rhubarb. I dont consider that a loss but the Wife-Unit is much displeased about that. What really p***es me off is that they destroyed about two thirds of one of the Snowy Dahlias. What remains however is still producing flowers.
Anyhow, back to the tree rat.
The dumb tree rat must be trying for reforestation.
It buried the acorn in the dirt in the center of the tree stump.
The next two photos I was just playing with the camera and trying something.
I purchased a new camera and a zoom telephoto lens.
The Youngest Son and his Wife-Unit got me this for Fathers Day. He told me: Now you can sit in the middle of the yard with the Bell Button and your camera and terrorize the squirrels.
He didnt know I was planning on getting the new camera.
Tomorrow I load most of the possessions of my late best friend into the car and go to the house of one of his cousins. We will see what she wants and then possibly next month I may be taking a little trip to a town in Michigan just north of the Indiana/Michigan line to meet with another of his cousins.
On the 23rd of this month the Oldest Son and possibly the Youngest Son will be flying to Montana to spread Gary Gs ashes. I hope to visit the property he had owned there and take some photos without snow.
saying goodbye is the hardest part of hello. great camera!
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I’m sorry about the loss of your friend. Good plans for his ashes. And, silly squirrel! It would be fun if that acorn grows.
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Very beautiful pictures!
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Squirrel burgers?
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Looks like a very comfortable chair; congrats on it and your new camers (I’m jealous). It takes great pictures! And the stump the squirrel is sitting on is neat…I found an old tree stump in the alley once that had several openings where branches had been…somehow I dragged that thing down the alley and into my hard and planted flowers in all the openings. Such fun.
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great photos!! i like the idea of using stumps as organic planters. too bad the squirrels do too lol
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I really do hate squirrels. We have grey ones, red ones, and one each albino and all-black squirrels in my neighborhood, and they piss me off royally.
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Great pictures as always. I’m really jealous of your garden. As for the “tree rat”, maybe he was just trying to spruce up the place. RYN: thanks. I’m doing okay, just feeling a bit quiet. Wil
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RYN: Travel safe! Bozeman is beautiful this time of year, their leaves start to turn a little earlier than ours due to the higher altitude. 🙂 Be well,
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Want me to look up my recipe for squirrel gumbo? 🙂
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I hope your trip has gone well. Wil
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boy that lens is fabulous. So sorry about your mate.
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