– 07_22_10 –

I couldn’t think of an appropriate title!

A couple of days ago I went out onto the back porch/deck with my first cup of morning coffee and the first thing I noticed was that the Plexiglas sheet was no longer suspended above the bird feeder I built. It was lying on the ground in two pieces.

Cracks had developed in the Plexiglas sheet when I drilled the hole for the wire hanger.

I can only assume that they enlarged when the Plexiglas flexed overnight in the breeze or if something had attempted to access the feeder and placed some weight on the sheet.

So back down to the “Black Hole of Calcutta” (that’s what I call our basement) and drill a hole in a thicker sheet of Plexiglas. No cracks this time.

As I am running the wire hanger through the Plexiglas the wife unit suggesats I also add an inverted plastic bowl above the Plexiglas. Whatever – can’t hurt but I think the bowl is too small in diameter to be effective. Time will tell.

The finished product.

<img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v22/Lehper/Entries_2/07_21_10/IMG_8476.jpg width=1000


Last summer the oldest BIL found a couple of oversized Zucchinis in the back garden.

He cut them off the vines and tossed them into the corral.

We think that one of the donkeys chewed on or ate one of the over ripe/oversized zucchini. Think baseball bat size.

Anyway the donkey that ate the zucchini took a dump in its stall. BIL cleaned out the stall and the donkey road apples were applied to the garden area as fertilizer and the area was roto-tilled.

Potatoes were planted and were soon growing. Then a single zucchini starts growing.


That mess is all one plant.

Oldest BIL has harvested a couple of zucchinis from it already.

If I go in there looking for the fruit of the vine I think I’ll take a machete or an axe.

The cucumbers are coming along well also.

This evening shortly after supper I was sitting on the back porch/deck enjoying a beer when I hear a “Squeek” overhead and then something scraping on the bark of the oak tree closest to the house. Then “THUMP!!!

A squirrel and a dead branch hit the ground about ten feet from me.

For a second or so the squirrel just lay there and then it took off for parts remote.

If a dumb animal can have an expression on its face that says “what the shit”, that very surprised tree rat did.

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July 22, 2010

Poor tree rat, I hope he wasn’t hurt.

HOLY COW at the zucchini! Is there a power plant nearby?! LOL

July 23, 2010

The zucchini that took over the world!

July 23, 2010

You know, if you placed the bowl the other way around, you could give the birds a satellite dish. Then, while they are eating, they could watch Julia Child on the Cooking Channel make pheasant under (plexi)glass. Wil

July 23, 2010

At first, I thought you had made an umbrella for the feeder, but then I noticed it was a bit high and wouldn’t shield it very well.

you *are* buying another christmas candy bowl now aren’t you?

your garden is just awesome!

July 27, 2010

Aloha… Your “nest” looks very comfortable… Quite the garden also… Smiles…………

July 27, 2010

Help me here on the bird feeder…is it like a solar thing with an umbrella or??? I have never seen one before. I used to read you years ago. I just saw your name. I hope you don’t mind that I bookmarked you again.

July 28, 2010

Ahh, Texas! Nothing like it. Does Donkey manure have grass seeds in it? I know horse manure here is a no no in your garden unless you like to Hoe. Now composting first usually gets rid of all seeds cept the tomatoe seed. I love reading you. What kind of treatment are you getting.

RYN: Good to see you again. Wow, that is inventive. I need one like that on mine but, I am not sure that would go with snoberland park code..lol..It really is cool that you thought of that! (I forgot to sign in..it’s L-OnlyChild-DSP)