currently in june (and updated)

Yes, I am writing an entry at work. This will lead conveniently right to my:

current annoyance: I am (A) bored out of my mind, and (B) several Athletics People just turned on the TV in the conference room that my office is attached to (in a "I have to walk through the conference room to get out of my office" way, not in a "my office loooooooves the conference room" sense) and although it’s not particularly loud, it is still distracting. As is their chatting and the smell of whatever they are eating for lunch. I detect greasy fast food. The Athletics People all appear to subsist on a diet of greasy fast food. That seems extremely strange. You’d think they would be a little more interested in their health, being, oh, The Athletics People.

Well, whatever. Luckily I have exactly NOTHING to do right now. We are between summer sessions, and it is beyond dead. (and I just shut my door, thereby ending my current annoyance). This would be a great time to take a few days off, but I’ve already taken days off. I actually am taking Thursday off, partly to take Stella to the vet and partly so that Baker B and I can finish the Great Gutter Project. (Hopefully). Stella has got the weirdest thing EVER going on. Leading to:

current worry: Stella appears to be growing a new claw. Out of the tip of her tail. Yes, this is WEIRD. Yes, this is just a little CREEPY. I have never seen nor heard of anything like this, despite having had many many cats over the course of my life. It’s just this little… pointy thing. It doesn’t appear to hurt, there is no evidence of injury, and Baker B clipped a fourth-inch of it off because it was just TOO CREEPY. She feels fine. In fact, she has been very playful and happy lately. And absolutely reeked of flowers a week or two ago. We never did figure that out. We have googled things like "claw growing out of cat’s tail" but have come up with nothing other than a dog with a similar problem. Who grew claws in other weird places too. The dog’s vet didn’t think it was anything to be alarmed over. I don’t see how it could be something like a tumor — it is more like cartilage. Still, I’ll feel better after the vet takes a look. (Didn’t actually speak to the vet when making the appointment, but the Vet Tech was as baffled as we are). Is Stella transforming??? Into a flowery creature with tail-claws???? VERY Doctor Who! We have started calling her Spike. 

current excitement: I joined GoodReads the other day. Several FaceBook friends use it, and it seems pretty nifty. I was adding books that I’ve already read, and since I am the biggest TR Pearson fan EVER, I was adding his books, then clicked on his name, and found to my delight that he has a blog on Goodreads! Then I read the latest entry… and he’s offering free ecopies of the book he’s just finished, Warwolf, to people who will review them on Goodreads and Amazon -and I don’t have an eReader but you can download Kindle apps for PCs so I emailed him (it was a couple of weeks ago that he’d posted the offer)…. and had a reply mere hours later!!! From TR PEARSON!!!! TR PEARSON EMAILED ME!!! Several times, actually, responding to my original email (where I tried very hard to NOT sound like a sqeeing shrieking FanGirl, which I kind of am) — and then replied to my email reply… eeeeekkkkK!!!! I’m still in shock!!! And I have ecopies of Warwolf and really REALLY like it, although I am having problems reading it on the computer. I put copies on my laptop and my work computer (as it’s been so dead here, I figured I could at least read) but I find it awkward and not relaxing and hard to concentrate on. I’m sure an actual eReader would be much better, and I am seriously considering getting one. Not real soon, but maybe for Christmas. That is obviously the way the world is going. 

And I also am very encouraged by the fact that TR Pearson is now publishing eBooks and considering doing it instead of going through regular publishers. Not that I am encouraged over the death of BOOKS, but he’s an established author (he published his first book, A Short History of a Small Place back in 1985 and it’s still one of my favorite books ever) and is looking into cutting out the middleman of publishing houses and just publishing ebooks himself (he’d already moved to using a small press – Barking Mad Press) and it just seems encouraging to someone who would like eventually to get something published herself. In these uncertain times. He’s just charging something like $4 for the books he already has in ebook form. I’ve already accepted the fact that it’s highly unlikely writing books will make me rich.

current question: Do you have an eReader? Kindle or Nook? Which would you recommend? 

current tv: In a twist of best timing ever, we have JUST finished off Season Five of Doctor Who, and are due to get True Blood – third season- tomorrow. I am quite thrilled, as I have been waiting forEVER for True Blood — and yes, I know they have just started the fourth season on HBO so yeah, we’re way behind, but we don’t get HBO and with our cable plan (basic bones) can’t just add it and watch True Blood and drop it again. SO like everything else, we wait for DVD. But since we always have something lined up to watch, waiting doesn’t suck quite so much. (hahahahaha!!) Since watching the second season (last summer, I think – it’s been AGES) I’ve read ALL the Sookie Stackhouse books so am all ready for this season. 

I’m sorry to be done with Doctor Who till Season Six comes out on DVD, (and it’s just airing now) but I think we probably need a Doctor Who break. We’ve watched five seasons, and parts of them twice since we watched the Captain Jack ones first, then decided we loved Doctor Who and went back and watched all those again plus the non-Torchwood-Related ones. I ended up really liking the current Doctor (Matt Smith) but David Tenant is still my favorite. And I had a hard time warming up to Amy, his current companion, who I find very annoying. She is bossy and a know-it-all. I did like her a lot better by the end of this season (luckily, since she’s still in Season 6) but I think that was largely because she ended up being a little less front-and-center, as her boyfriend Rory and whover-the-heck-she-is River Song were both sharing the spotlight with her. I really liked Rory, and like River Song too. 

OH, we’re also re-watching Father Ted. If you have never seen Father Ted, you really really need to watch Father Ted. Very surreal, very hilarious. 

We’ve been going aroundsaying "The ants are back, Ted!" for days.

Reload if it doesn’t show. What is UP with that?? 

Spider Baby is classic – but sadly can’t embed it- go watch!

Ooops, just saved before I meant to, so if you got one of those "you don’t have access to this page, looooooooser!!!" It’s not you. It’s me. 

And before I go (big meeting this afternoon – oh, that won’t be boring at ALL!), a few pictures of the Great Gutter Project from this weekend:

Daddy supervising as Baker B attaches stuff:

Daddy is a little afraid Baker B will snip his fingers off, gloves and all. With reason. 

   Not as impressive as reality, but they sure look better than the old white-painted-orange-and-peeling-off ones:


See? Well, still isn’t really obvious. This was several years ago during the Great French Drain Project. 

The orange trim really needs to go. And it will, when we paint. I want to paint the trim brown. 

Well, I DID have pictures of us tearing the old gutter off, but since my Flickr account is as cluttered as my real life is, I can’t find them. How about pictures of cute cats sleeping?

I have no idea how she’s not falling off:

I should have taken a picture of Stella’s Tail Accessory Spike, but I did not. Too creepy. 

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June 28, 2011

I remember the French Drain Project. Gracie had what looked like toenails growing out of the top of her head a bit ago. Turned out to be a scab from an injury – coon related I think. It came off and then she had a bald spot, but the hair is coming back. I didn’t document it in photos either.

June 28, 2011

Definitely Kindle. It’s the only e-reader company (Amazon) that doesn’t have a strong possibility of being bankrupt and out of business soon.

June 28, 2011

o man. i really really cannot do the ereader thingy. if the physical book is not in my hand, i can’t concentrate. you’ve got some adorable men folk there!!

June 28, 2011

I have got the kindle app for my ipad and love it! The only thing with ebooks is, where do you get the author to sign the book? On your ereader screen? Hmmm, not sure about that one. Is the cat in your last cat picture Stella? She looks just like my Fat Cat. Cute! Take care,

June 28, 2011

How very exciting about your e-communication with TR Pearson! They are going to make library books available to borrow on one’s Kindle soon. I can’t wait for that. I have finally got myself to stop buying things without downloading a free chapter first. I love that I can read my Kindle on all the exercise machines at the gym. It is terrible for pictures and formatted text like poems still though and not back lit so you can’t read it in the dark, though I think that is a feature that is available now. The Nook always had that. How odd about Stella. Hope the vet visit is totally uneventful. It is sort of funny to think about life before Doctor Who and life after. I think about various episodes all the time. Enjoy True Blood! And best wishes for completing the gutter project without incident. Lately I prefer all my drama to be on the screen.

June 28, 2011

I love my IPad -well, most of the time. I have both Kindle and Nook apps on it . They both work great !

June 28, 2011

I have a Kobo reader. I like it just fine. The only thing is does it hold ebooks. That is all I would like for it to do. My only issue is mine doesn’t make light so I can’t read in the dark.

June 29, 2011

RYN: Yes, I know! I always ask Fat Cat how he is keeping his whites so white. He just looks at me and won’t share his secret. Cats are amazing, aren’t they? Take care,

June 29, 2011

RYN: Funnily enough I was operating the same system – and it’s not been working out too well for me either!! I did the same with Stephen’s books too – no idea what stopped me as well – I remember really enjoying them. I know I picked up a couple he wrote after the accident and thought they weren’t as good but that’s not really fair and he may well have had a hiatus straight after where things weren’t so hot because it sounded like a pretty horrific accident. I think I may well start up with him again from the beginning – be fun to see how his writing has developed over the years. (Although I’m kind of exhausted just thinking about that because he’s written so many!!)

June 29, 2011

I like the orange trim! I love the way cats can sleep literally ANYWHERE and apparently be in a deep sleep as well – maybe Stella just got bored and thought what can I do to liven things up around here …….. oh I know I’ll grow a THING! Hope it’s a harmless thing though. I remember reading an article recently in Writing magazine stating so many authors were going down the e-publishing road – it was the thing to do and makes sense. I’ve resisted the whole e-reading thing so far – doesn’t seem natural to me and I can’t see it giving the same pleasure as books but that’s very much a sticking-head-in-the-sand type of attitude – I should at least try it out first before deciding.

June 29, 2011

My grandmother had a kind of spike on her neck. Turned out to be a squamous cell carcinoma. They are easy to remove. Sorry I didn’t tell you I added you. Was in the long-term plan! I’m so glad I found your diary and will be back.

June 29, 2011

PS: I love that shade of orange!

June 29, 2011

The claw sounds extremely creepy. Ew. I hope none of my creatures get it. And I hope whatever it is, Stella is OK. Cat pictures are always a treat. Isn’t it crazy how they dangle sometimes?

June 29, 2011

ryn: Thank you for visiting, Uh Clem.

June 29, 2011

To answer your question, I have a Kindle and I love it! I thought it might be difficult after looking at a computer screen all day but it’s totally different. And I like that you can download a sample for free before buying the entire book. Hope Stella (aka Spike) is OK. I’m always imagining strange things as a Doctor Who episodes now. Or Torchwood depending on how weird it is.

nook. because you can download free pdf files and because i just read hillermans books and george rr martins books for free and barnes and noble is in the black not the red.

June 29, 2011

my daughter and i love our nooks! two of my sisters love their kindle. more books with a nook. my daughter borrowed a book from the local library on her nook. hope that thing on stella’s tail is harmless. take care,

What an interesting home. I love it!

June 29, 2011

Father Ted is a bit much to take. I’m almost done with Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

OK, in segments, because you always have so much to say, it takes a bit to get all my thoghts: NOOK> Trust my husband. He’s really smart about this stuff. Although…. I like amazon, so me personally without him, would probably have chosen the Kindle. I think the athletic people are somewhat like military people; I exercise all the time, so I can eat whatever crap I want, and it won’t hurt my beltline.. until they hit 40. Yes. Very creepy about the cat. I love your pictures. My husband is a Doctor Who fan, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen ANY of them.

Do you want to be FB friends? I am rarely on, say nothing very relevant, but mostly I enjoy what other people post. I keep my worlds separate. I don’t talk about OD on there, and ABSOLUTELY don’t “out” anyone over there as being on this site, because many of my friends have families on FB, and OD is their sanctuary to kvetch about their families. My name on FB is: Marylovell Dixon; just like that.I think you can search me now, since my damn father-in-law found me. No pressure. I’m good either way, just thought I’d throw it out there, because I really like you.

July 1, 2011

I have a Kindle. I rank it right up there with coffee ice cream slathered in hot fudge with bananas, whipped cream, nuts and a cherry on top. And, when I was teaching at the Univ. (a course all potential tchrs, either grad. or undergrad were reqd to take for state cert.) I remember coming across some research showing that PE majors carried the lowest GPAs of all areas so the fast food makes sense now, doesn’t it? And believe me, after I left the ivory tower and went into the field, the research was spot on.

RYN: you know what makes me laugh? Sister is very insistent to her 2 boys along the same lines. Just goes to show she is in the grip of something very powerful.

July 2, 2011

Congratulations on the Kindle! I bet you’ll love it. I find it so much easier on my looking at screens all day tired eyes. regarding True Blood, do you remember Franklin from the books? You may not have gotten to him yet. I’m thinking he may have been there but only as a very minor character. Poor Tara, she just doesn’t get a break.

July 2, 2011

Strange thaat your Athletic Dept personnel eat so poorly. At UNL the Athletic Dept. had a special cafeteria for the athletes which was way nicer than the other student cafeterias. The Athletic cafeteria had a huge selection of food, steak, huge salad bar, just anything you might want and was open to the public. All you can eat for $8. I used walk down there once in a while for a feast as it was very good food.

July 2, 2011

It’s been so long, and yet I feel like I never left you. I sooooooo look forward to reading your entries. Hope to catch up soon. Love creepy cat shit.

July 2, 2011

Don’t think I want to see the tail. It sounds really weird.

July 3, 2011

RYN: Frustratingly couldn’t send him a text because the partner’s texts came from his phone so she must have got hold of it or was going through it – what a way to live! I did find his profile on PlentyofFish though – as part of it he had ‘honest’ and ‘trustworthy’!!!! I couldn’t resist a message saying “Honest???? Trustworthy???? Seriously??” Wish I hadn’t now though – pretty pointless really.<br> I’ve often done that with a film as well – got about a third of the way through then suddenly exclaimed “I’ve SEEN this!” And I was busy telling someone to get Memento out because it was really good and Christopher Beale was in it who was in The Machinist and then it came through from Lovefilm and I realised Christopher Beale was nowhere near it ……. Honestly!

The claw thing is very odd. My son is athletic and doesn’t like to eat too much fast food. Maybe it was a treat day. I so need to get back into reading.

OOOhhhhh! Yes, that is really creepy….*shudder*. I hope that it is something simple as Web Woman suggested. She could do some damage if she really swished her tail about…*smiles*

July 8, 2011

I rather like the trim in orange. Boring work days are the pits. Hope some excitement arrives. Oh, and Father Ted is … weird. I know so many friends who love it but I simply don’t get it. There must be something wrong with me!

July 10, 2011

I was hoping for a picture of the claw tail! I’m on goodreads, too. They’re very slow in turnaround.