off for the Great North

Well, the great north as in Delaware — taking my dad to see his only remaining sister again. Flying up tomorrow, flying back Monday, YAY for flying! Get to see the Cousins E, J and MJ, and all the assorted spouses, kids and pets. Well, pet, the adorable King Charles Spaniel Tyson who apparently has Favorite Kid status, as when J sent me a get well card in February she put pictures of her boys and the other kids inside, and Tyson on the front.  

It’s doubtful I’ll have time/energy/access for OD, so sorry for being so behind, I’ll catch up next week, happy Memorial Day to all the US’ers! Shortest entry EVER.

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is ok. just have fun!

May 27, 2011

Enjoy your visit !!

May 27, 2011

Enjoy. No GPS! All the best for all involved. I love visiting other people’s pets

May 28, 2011

well you will be closer to me than usual lol

May 28, 2011

Have a safe trip to beautiful Delaware.

May 28, 2011

Gosh, I wish I could’ve come up to visit with y’all! Hope you’re having a great time!

With my limited amount of time, works fo me! Have a good time!

Hope you had a good time!

May 31, 2011

ryn; June 28th! That is four whole weeks! This last Sookie book went way too fast..As you might expect, Dr. River Song has a part to play in Season 5. I waited a couple of months to help get over my intense attachment to David Tennant. I am consoling myself with Torchwood books. Just started Into the Silence, where apparently Ianto sings in a choir. I was thinking about you this weekend as I was reading about JJ Abrams new movie Super 8.

June 1, 2011

ryn: I gave myself a good long break after Season 4 before I started Season 5 with Matt Smith as the new Doctor. Once I finished that, I found out that BBC America has started Season 6! I really can’t wait for the new Torchwood to come out this summer. Lots to look forward to when one wants to escape the seething heat.


June 2, 2011

Is your birthday Saturday? I do hope the cats are encouraged to make a big fuss over you and that you have a goofy day. I mean what else can you do with this big intimidating birthdays? Oh and I am seeing if I can put in a good word with the weather gods for you. Not too hot, not cold or wet or…and good light. ryn:<br&gt; I liked Border Princes the best but it was quite violent. There is one where Ianto becomes invisible which is funny, that one is Pack Animals. It was OK otherwise. The one I am reading now is written by a woman, first one so far. Getting all the Doctor Who specials in order was a challenge. I just got the disk for How to Train Your Dragon which has David Tennant’s voice playing a character called Spitelout. I think Catwoman watched The Killing. I too heard it was very good and will look out for it. Anyway happy happy almost!

June 3, 2011

I’ve never been to Delaware, but I bet its beautiful this time of year… RYN: thanks for your does all seem interconnected…

June 4, 2011

I hope it’s been a good visit. Yay, Delaware!

ryn: i was at the Grove Park Inn for a workshop back in November. they were decorating the Christmas trees while i was there. i’ve heard great things about Boone, actually. a friend from GSO keeps telling me that my husband & i would be happy there. i haven’t myself visited though. 🙂

RYN: in a perverse kind of way, your anecdote about your Dad filled me with cheer. It sounds like I am going to have to learn to just get over this. Thanks.