…and lenny bruce is not afraid

I love how it’s currently at 1,156,285 views. It’s a great song, though, and a fantastic video. I haven’t minded having it in my head the entire day one bit. (Refresh if it doesn’t show right up- I don’t know what’s going on with videos lately)

Our Tech guy posted this hysterical parody on Facebook:

Well, darn, embedding is disabled.It’s worth going to YouTube to watch it. And unlike REM, they include their lyrics. "Could be the end of the world as we know it (I just read it on a blog) / Might be the end of the world as we know it (I just saw a link on Digg) / Could be the end of the world as we know it (Twitter said it so it’s right) / on Channel Nine!"

Oh, for fuck sake, I can’t get the damn link thing to work. I pull up the link box, stick it in, hit "okay" and not a thing happens other than it sits there doing nothing and I curse.  Maybe the end of the world IS nigh. HONESTLY. Copy and paste. It really is worth it. 

Oh, hahaha, there it is all by ITSELF as a link, but won’t let me make a link out of anything else. Oh, whatEVER. 

It made for an entertaining day on Facebook, at least. I joined the Post Rapture Looting Group (we totally have dibbs on the Senator For The Dark Side’s brand new house all off in the woods at the end of the street and I will SO not miss those screeching children). And our one Tech Guy who is an atheist said he’d already asked our other Tech Guy, who is a devout Christian, to leave his keys so Atheist Tech Guy won’t have to break Devout Christian Tech Guy’s door down Monday to take all his stuff. 
I had plenty of work to do. And I even did it. But this week has been a strange combination of being very slow (summer classes don’t start till Monday) yet punctuated with weird problems to solve. So I played on FB between weird problems to rebuild my strength. 
I think it’s highly unlikely that the world will end tomorrow. I mean, really. Do these people not watch Doctor Who? He always comes to the rescue when the world is on the brink of ending. I’m keeping an eye out for blue police boxes tomorrow for sure.  
And that’s about all I have to say that is of general interest. I’ll leave some Powershot Pictures just in case the world really does end tomorrow and I don’t get another chance. 

It really is spring at last!


From the back parkinglot of the Mast Store in Valle Crucis:

Massive rhododendrons at Mast:

The old and still in operation post office inside Mast Store:



Mast needs to paint their ceilings:



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we have a brand new holiday in the making! wheeee! such fun. and doesnt that silly preacher know that christ came during the inquisition and was burned at the stake as a witch??

gorgeous pics!

May 21, 2011

great super funny

If nothing else, many of us are having a blast blasting the Rapture.

Awesome pics. It’s Saturday morning here. I’m dressed and waiting…. still here….

I love your post office pictures! Honestly, they’re really great!

May 21, 2011

Of course the world won’t end. I have an appointment with my tailor on Monday.

May 21, 2011

That barn shot is marvelous. And how fun to shoot in the store in Mast. It must be so nice to have the smaller camera too. Great video, love the dog. I can’t figure out how God is handling the time zone issue. This is troubling me. But! On a brighter note I really enjoyed the PETA folks and their signs saying “Make Your Last Supper Vegan”.

May 21, 2011

I’m like Noko, I have been wondering if this disaster is on EST, or how does this work? Great pics of the old post office. It brings back memories.

May 21, 2011

Supposedly the Rapture is schedule to take place on May 21st at 6:00 p.m. local time…wherever you are. Sounds like a rolling rapture, like a rolling blackout. I should so eat ice cream today, just in case.

My favourite line so far: “people are making Rapture jokes like there’s no tomorrow.” Heh.

May 21, 2011

I might have some time alone. Happy looting. I hope you get lots of good stuff.

May 22, 2011

Was yesterday the end of the world? Darn, I missed it! Great photos! I really do love the clarity and colour of the shots – an excellent camera. And photographer, of course 😉

I hadn’t heard a thing about it until the news. Art found the lack of zoombies extremely disappointing. The bible says nobody knows. I have no idea what these people are going by.

May 22, 2011

Nice pics !!

ryn: Ha! Laughing:-) After Rapture looting. Well, the buy has made a new prediction of October 21st so you still have a chance.

May 24, 2011

Wow, your photos are so beautiful! I didn’t know places like Mast Store existed. It looks like something from a John Mellencamp video.

RYemail: I have emailed it to you. Sorry about all the mix-ups.

May 27, 2011

RYN: I know! In one way texts are handy for that – you can have your screaming fit first then text calmly afterwards lol!

May 27, 2011

Love these pics! What are the wee boxes in the PO for – do you know? And man these rhoddies are HUGE! Yep world’s still here. With all its shit. Ha-ha.

June 3, 2011

the world couldn’t end. Aberdeen Football Club are due to win something soon…. High Calibre pictures (as usual!)

Hello, I found you on random. Totally stunning photos!

June 12, 2011

Great video – that guy could pass for a young Michael Stipe couldn’t he?