what’s going on

Nothing, that’s what! I’m at work, and I am, bizarrely, bored out of my mind. We are experiencing that brief little period after classes end but before semester grades post. Finals were over yesterday so it’s VERY quiet. Final grades are due tomorrow afternoon so we won’t be able to access them till the reports run on Monday, which means we can’t send our final "Guess who didn’t graduate!!!" emails out till then. 

Hence the fact that I’m writing an entry at work, in the middle of the day. Which is quite unusual. Since I am bored out of my mind I also have nothing much to talk about, so I shall resort to….
May Currents! 
I am also resorting to Fun With Title Fonts. I think I just did one of these, but oh well. That one is no longer current. 

Current Physical State: Just peachy, thanks for asking! I actually do seem to have found my long-departed energy. Well, what little I ever have, considering I’m no fireball of ambition even at my highest level. But I am not exhausted, and I suddenly can walk four brisk miles again without wanting to keel over and take a nap on the Greenway. 

Current Envy: Aggravation Receptionist just told me her husband is going to London for a week in June and she may go with him if the flight isn’t too expensive. WAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! I want to go back to London!!!!!! Not fair, not fair not fair!!!!! I really am ready to go back. Right this minute.

Current Anticipation: Cousin MJ, who is Cousin E’s youngest sibling, just booked me and my dad tickets to fly up to Delaware over Memorial Day. She VERY graciously used her frequent flier miles, insisting she has gazillions and they aren’t planning any trips. She does travel a whole lot for her job. I really hate trying to plan things like that – I’m not very good at it and get overwhelmed and stressed out fast – so 1) it’s a huge relieve to, TADA!, have it done for me, and 2) now Daddy doesn’t have to pay for our tickets. He insisted on paying for mine too last time. And they’ve gone up considerably since January – thank you, escalating oil prices! Anyhow, all the work is done and I’m really looking forward to the trip. A few weeks ago I was exhausted by the very thought of another Delaware Trip, dragging my dad through airports, but apparently I AM recovered from surgery- now it sounds like FUN! I love to fly, even with all the annoyances since 911, and ordinarily I have very few chances for plane travel. This will be my third trip by air in a little over six months, which is unheard of. And of course it’s always wonderful to spend time with my far-off cousins. And their mom is feeling a lot better, which is another happy thing.

Current Outfit: Grey jeans and a sage sweater. Finally I am able to wear something that’s NOT old lady elastic waist pants! Of course thanks to months of very little activity, everything is now too tight. FINE. These are stretchy. I have resorted to counting calories and upping my exercise. So far so good, although I have not lost 15 pounds in three days, which is annoying. Well, okay, two weeks. Still.

Current Sounds: The never-ending roar from the air conditioner which is apparently right under my window – it’s actually worse than a roar; it’s more like.. well, I don’t know WHAT it’s like, but it doesn’t sound like any air conditioner I’ve ever heard.  It’s very industrial, and very very loud even with the window closed, and I end up with a headache and feeling like I’m trapped on the set of Eraserhead by the afternoon. 

That probably only makes sense to anyone who has actually seen Eraserhead. There was a whole lot of mysterious roaring industrial noise going on. Trust me. 

The other sound is much more pleasant – I’ve been listening to PJ Harvey’s new album – Let England Shake. (no, no, I’m not obsessed with England! It’s just a coincidence; really, it is!) The more I listen to it, the better I like it. I especially like this song: 

I really like the video, too. (Try refreshing if it doesn’t show up — for some reason I keep having to refresh, and then it’s there).

Current TV: Doctor Who! Oh, we are SO hooked. And we could not have watched it in a  more bizarre order if we’d gone intentionally out of our way to mix up the episodes. First we were not intending to watch Doctor Who at all — we were intending to watch just the episodes with Captain Jack from Torchwood in them. Because, oOooOo, we didn’t like Doctor Who!!! We’d both seen Doctor Who years and years ago, and nope, not interested! Just give us the Captain Jack episodes, thanks! Of course Doctor Who is so fantastic that we ended up liking it as much as Torchwood and decided to watch all these new ones. 

I think I’ve already gone into our earlier sequential order problems in a previous entry, so  let’s just say after getting a cracked disc for the very first episode in Season One and having to start with the second disc, then Netflix had an inexplicable LONG WAIT on Season 2, of all things, which came out YEARS ago so that was weird — SO I got a trial membership to Blockbusters JUST to get the first Season Two discs because yeah, obsessed is my middle name… then naturally Blockbusters shipped everything all out of order in Season Two. Then when we started Season Three with Netflix, THAT first disc was also cracked. So basically we have seen them in the strangest order possible. Fortunately the episodes stand alone well for the most part, but we keep getting really confused about who and what we’ve already seen where and why. For example, last night Baker B kept insisting we’d already seen the episode about New New York and the Cat-People and the Face of Boe, and I kept saying no, of course we haven’t seen it — finally figured out he was confused from an earlier one when Rose was still the traveling companion and they were also in New New York and encounted cat people and The Face of Boe. So, yeah, a little confusing to be watching it like this, but well worth it. 

It sure would be easier if we could just watch online, but our internet connection is horrific (we have GOT to go have words with Charter, it’s way worse than it should be) and our TV is way too old to stream to, and it’s hard for two people to watch things on a laptop. Although wedid when Lost was on – we’d re-watch every episode online after it aired. 

ANYHOW. I’ve gone on and on so long that now it’s nearly time to go. Perhaps I’ll do a Current Continuation later, if the boredom keeps up.

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May 5, 2011

I feel for you with the air con. We have some in different places at work that are really horrible too. My disc drive on my PC also makes an awful noise most of the time. I have to have the drawer open, this far, no further, no shut it, shove it, etc….Orrible.

well. considering the fact that you havent written much in a long time about being bored, an occasional bored! is not to bad//

May 5, 2011

That just makes me want to watch Eraserhead again …… or do I? That little baby thing freaked me out! (not to mention everything else about it!)

May 5, 2011

Edna Million !!! Glad to see an update from you .. Now you have made me want to watch Dr. Who !!!

May 5, 2011

I’m so glad you are feeling like yourself again. RYN: My chin is in recovery mode at last 🙂

May 5, 2011

I’be been watching series 6 of Dr Who here and it’s even greater with a whole load of bizzareness. Hope all the series make their way over to you.

May 6, 2011

Some of the photos in that video are remarkable. But boy does it look cold and bleak. So glad the cousin’s mom is feeling better. What a relief! And great that you and your dad will have another trip up. Now I am wondering if you remember (because of the mixed up order) the supposition that Captain Jack may be The Face of Boe that had Martha and the Doctor looking at each otherin astonishment when they were saying goodbye to Jack after visiting Cardiff and Torchwood. That just blew me away. I enjoyed that Gridlock episode very much. Poor long suffering Martha. Speaking of suffering, how is it that the most insufferable people get to take the best trips. Not fair at all.

May 6, 2011

Oh and it must be so wonderful to have your energy return!

May 6, 2011

So glad you are feeling better and getting your energy back. Believe me, it takes time. I think it took me 6 months after my surgery. But anyway, isn’t Doctor Who amazing? And if you’re a Harry Potter fan, David Tennant plays a bad guy in one of the later movies. I’m always interested in what other roles these actors play after so long as one character.