the ten zillion entries…

 …. are just me changing the name of all my England entries so that they will, oh, make a teeny bit of sense. So now if you go to the chapter view they have sequential numbers instead of the strange, apparently random numbering/naming system I had before. This was suggested by Baker B, who could not figure out how exactly my entry numbers worked. Imagine that. 

That’s all. Shortest entry ever. 

Log in to write a note

LOL Got it! You doing okay?

March 1, 2011

Heh, I liked the random tour just fine. But chapters are nice.

March 1, 2011


March 2, 2011

chapters are a good thing. take care,

March 2, 2011

Random is fine. Chapters are fine. 🙂 The pictures are great.

March 2, 2011

RYN: I know “Donnie Darko” is supposed to be a cool movie but I’ve never mustered the motivation to watch it.

March 2, 2011

Your England entries were delightful, creative, and informative. Who cares about the numbering?

March 2, 2011

RYN: You mean I’m NOT entitled to everything I want? Wow. So what have I been whining about?

March 2, 2011

RYN3: Streaming is going to become the main delivery system for movies. Renting a movie that way will eventually include a license to burn one DVD copy for our personal archives.

March 3, 2011

This has nothing to do with anything. Just wanted to tell you that while watching Doctor Who on Netflix last night I saw the first episode with Captain Jack! It is Season One, Episode Nine. Con men must be really good flirts. It’s a job requirement.

March 3, 2011

I’ve never understood the “chapters” thing.

March 3, 2011

The previous system was so Ednaesque… But the left half of my brain really does appreciate the effort. 🙂 BTW, Shorty is going to boot camp in SC instead of GA. Might just get a chance to meet some day this fall.

March 4, 2011

ryn:I am glad you like the pants! One is always hesitant to put forth suggestions and all that. I have found that they wear well too. I think I might get some in blue. Ah! I see we have Catwoman watching Dr. Who now, very nice. I just finished reading my second Torchwood novel on my KIndle. I am reading the ones that aren’t on audiobook. The novels are all over the map, some better than others but none of them are bad.

March 6, 2011

Doctor Who is getting good…I’m on Season 3 now. It really gets in your blood…

It is great to have it all organized for when you look back.

March 6, 2011

ryn;There are so many in jokes in Doctor Who, I think you will find that you will want to go back. Everything builds on everything else. What I want to do now is go back and watch the Torchwood when Jack disappears. He has to take the hand with him but I don’t remember that.

March 7, 2011

ryn: You may want to watch the Doctor Who episodes in order, especially since you are a Torchwood fan. The story lines intertwine and things get explained (don’t want to give too much away)! Anyway, enjoy! I’m starting Season 4 today.

March 7, 2011

Yay, chapters!