getting a little enforced time off

I’m not sure why I’ve never even mentioned the fact that I am having an operation. On WEDNESDAY. Wednesday as in the day that is after tomorrow. I’ve known this for several weeks now. Well, I’ve known it was a possibility for longer than that, but it’s been a certainty for a couple of weeks. Hey, maybe I’d better mention it now! I kept wanting to finish The England Chronicles before going Under The Knife, but it actually makes a lot more sense to finish them off afterwards, since I am in for some looooong days. With plenty of time to kill.

It’s nothing dire– I’m having a hysterectomy, and I am not going into all the details (you’re welcome) but let’s just say my … issues…. are not anything that would even BE issues to most people, but given my breast cancer history I am special. Go me! My issues are not even issues as much as they are slight annoyances. But slight annoyances can apparently turn into major health catastrophes like uterine cancer if you are special and have a history already. My choice was get biopsies pretty often (and let me say right now that those things hurt like fuck and the threat of that alone is just about enough to have me surrendering all internal organs without blinking an eye) and get lupron shots which are crazily expensive and be having checkups all the time and more DNCs which if you don’t know what that is, you really do NOT want to know and those are crazily expensive too although at least not that painful. And be even more paranoid than I already am and have non-stop doctors appointments which I am very sick of since I’ve had way more than I want to be having in the last six months or so…. or just get rid of all those pesky female internal organs that I am not using anyhow. So, see ya, pesky female internal organs!

I am getting it done laporoscopically and the recovery time is two weeks. When the "H" word was first mentioned to me, I was all, "Yeah. No. Can’t be out of work for six weeks, guys. Not interested in getting cut open and taking a half year to recover, k, thx, bye!" But two weeks?!? Okay, I can do two weeks. Especially since I will apparently feel perfectly fine within a day or two and the worst part will be that I can not pick up anything at all for a week and nothing over ten pounds for several more weeks, and I can’t drive for some mysterious amount of time that I haven’t quite figured out. I thought they told me one week, then I saw two weeks somewhere else, but I’m not quite sure why. But, whatever. If I can’t drive for two weeks, oh well. So basically I get to feel fine and stay at home sleeping and reading and playing on the internet and not picking up anything for two weeks. I can do that.

The side effects were the other thing that worried me, along with the eight or ten or twelve week recovery time, but since I’ve already experienced the delights of being menopausal while I was taking my anti-cancer drug for five years (had to be menopausal to take the aromabase inhibitors which are more effective and less side effecty than Tamoxophin so got Lupron shots all those years to make me menopausal … then got to quit the drugs and the Lupron a year ago and returned to a not-menopausal state, much to everyone’s surprise, hence these issues) and I didn’t have any serious problems at all, it isn’t likely I will now. I had like five second hot flashes that were actually kind of nice because I’m usually freezing. That was about it, seriously. And the whole no-period thing was WONDERFUL.

SO, I’m off to Charlotte Wednesday for my first ever hospital stay. I’m doing it in Charlotte at the advice of my doctor here, because the doctor there does about fifty zillion of these a year and the one who does it here is not as experienced in them. After that, I’ll be having all kinds of free time to actually catch up on OD and maybe even finish my England Chronicles, although I kind of hate to see them end. Baker B is taking off for quite a few days too, so can pick up things for me and haul me around if I really do feel as good as I supposedly am going to feel, and Kim’s coming up this weekend for the first time since before we went to England, so that will be fun too. So, I’ll be back in a few days, minus some unneeded internal organs. 

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I wonder why you can’t drive. Is it a muscle pulling thing or they’re afraid you’ll pass out behind the wheel? However, I can understand not driving if you can’t even walk. I have a feeling this is in the cards for me in the next couple of years.

February 7, 2011

Good luck! My wife is cold all the time, too, but still complains of the occasional hot flash…

Two weeks? I find that incredibly optimistic. It took me a full six weeks to feel well enough to work. They are taking a rather large iorgan out of your body. The rest of your organs resituate and that takes time. If you do too much too soon, you may find yourself back in the hospital having your bladder put in a sling. Seriously, don’t drive and don’t do too much too soon even if you feel okay.I’ve known women who didn’t heed this advice to their regret later. A hysterectomy is not a small thing. Good luck and accept all the help you can get.

February 7, 2011

um. i mean… yay? but not or something. this is kinda a GIGANTIC DEAL to not mention. but, i know, it’s a diary, you only need to share what you want to. however, i am thinking of you. xoxoxoxo

February 7, 2011

Hope all goes well and you are soon feeling wonderful. When I had my gall bladder out, I was really feeling pretty good 3 or 4 days later. My sister had the ‘H’ surgery last year too and was only in hospital a few days. I think she had the suction op.

well. there you go to charlotte. now 2 weeks in charlotte would not be bad at all….i will tell the universe to please take good care of you dear friend.

Oh, Crossing fingers and legs and everything for you that the whole thing goes smoothly. We love being women, and sometimes it SUCKS. I’m glad you’re not going to expect trouble with the Big M from this. It’ll be fun having you around more for a few weeks!

B, our mother had a history of breast cancer, (two separate mastectomies, one after I was a child.) She had her H when I was born, and I don’t really know the circumstances, but so I have a special sense of feeling for you, (AND I have had plenty of V issues, which I don’t always spare the details aobout, but my own are minor leagues, getting mostly fixed with salves and pills), so I feel for ya.Holdin’ your hand as you go into this. -Mary

February 8, 2011

prayers that the surgery goes well tomorrow and that you heal quickly. take care,

February 8, 2011

Wishing you quick healing. The not driving likely has to do with the anesthesia getting totally out of your system as well as being on pain killers for a bit. Probably some of the movement involved in braking etc. too. My guess is around 10 days – I am not a doctor I just play one on OD 😀

February 8, 2011

Good luck, going under the knife is scarier in the anticipation and recovery, bu fortunately the during is nothing at all.

That’s good that you can get that done lapros. One note, seriously, someone I know had the hyster. and it is SOOO seriously so very very important that you do not lift anything at all for along long time after the operation. just seriously refuse to lift. Get help to lift things or just leave them. If the doc says don’t lift for 7 weeksn, then do not lift for 14 joke okay sorry, not telling you what to do, just making a suggestions that’s all. That’s what I heard from the person that I know that had this operation . I donot know if they had it lapros..not sure.

I would think having the seat belt right across where you will be losing stuff besides being squished up and having to use muscles to pull your leg up to Gas and break (even if you don’t drive stick) might be it because if you can’t lift ten pounds …. I dunno. Just a guess. I’ll be sending you good thoughts and “prayers” such as mine are. *hugs*

RYN/RMN: It probably does have something to do with the Laparoscopic procedure. Still, easy does it. I don’t mean to make you fearful. It’s all good and safe enough, but you just have to take care of yourself.

February 8, 2011

Thats interesting, that you can’t drive. I wonder if it’s because of pain medicine?

February 8, 2011

ryn; Just ONE starbucks in the hospital? They must be slipping.

February 9, 2011

Good luck!

February 9, 2011

Good luck! I’m sure you’ll be fine. Mine was 6 years ago but unfortunately they had to make a BIG incision because of out of control fibroids. You’ll feel better soon.

February 9, 2011

Egads, sweetie! I hope your surgery went well.

February 10, 2011

I had the same problem with the driving thing – kept hearing/seeing different advice – one week, two weeks, three weeks. As it happened I was going stir crazy after 2 weeks so decided I would make my own decision and it was absolutely fine (this was after the prolapse op and a 6 week recovery period). Sounds like a similar sort of recovery – I felt a bit shaky for the first few days but made myself go out and walk on the third day – the normal 5 minute walk to the postbox took about half an hour but I distinctly remember a few days later realising I was starting to walk much more confidently and actually enjoying the exercise. Make the most of Baker B looking after you though – it’s difficult to remember there’s still a healing process going on inside when you feel okay on the outside!

My mum had that operation and they have progressed so much from that many years ago. I wish you well. As long as you take it easy afterwards, it will be fine.

February 12, 2011

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your trip pictures, thank you so much for sharing them. As for this next trip to the hospital, it’s too bad that it has to be so, but wishing you a safe surgery and speedy recovery. take care

February 12, 2011

i hope all went well, and that you are home resting up. thinking of you!

February 12, 2011

I cannot believe I missed this! I so understand you not talking about it. When my sister had hers she didn’t tell me until 10 days after it was over. Best wishes for it having gone well. I was just thinking the other day about how low key you were on the diary about the whole illness thing, and how happy I was that you have remained healthy. I certainly, particularly when I was going through the big M wanted someone to yank all the goods out. Glad you won’t have to worry about it going forward.

February 12, 2011

woo hoo! wish I’d had the chance to do that myself when I still had insurance. If the menosymptoms return, there are some great herbal choices out there. And mind the rules about lifting and bending. You’d be amazed how little strain it takes to undo these things. sending healing thoughts…………..

February 13, 2011

ryn:Sorry you are sore but happy to hear you are home and healing. I bet it will all be a blur in a few weeks time. Hopefully a blur with the memory of hours of kitty love and fabulous distraction.

February 23, 2011

Oh geez, I’m sorry you had to go through this, and that you have to go through the other stuff you have to do too. But I am happy to hear you are being faithful and keeping the check ups regular. I did have to laugh at “I am special. Go me!” Sorry, but you do have a way of making me laugh in even the worst of times. I’m glad to know this went well in advance, except for the healing part. Ugh.

February 23, 2011

So I’m glad I read that part first! No wonder you have no energy, although it also sounds, from what I’ve read you have cabin fever also. Do not feel alone, I also have it big time. Come ON spring. Well I’ve written you a book of notes! Plus some are out of order, sorry about that! I have to say again, how impressed I am with your memory to detail on your trip. How nice for us! Stay well.

March 18, 2011

OMG I have been so absent that I didn’t even know you had surgery. I’m so sorry, some friend I am. Reading on further and hoping it went well.

March 20, 2011

I wish you had gone into more details. Was it a thickened uterus they were concerned about? Im at the stage now where I’ll go months without a period and then a few months with a period. The Drs said I had a thckened uterus which is a precancerous condition so I MUST have a period every 3 months and take hormones to get one. Im coming up on 3 months.