suck it up, captain cranky


That would be me these past few days. {{OH, and could you kids walking to the student union shriek just a little louder right outside my window there?? I don’t think they quite heard that in Indonesia. Thanks!}}

I know I’m still recovering from spending four looooooooooong days with my parents. Long, long, loooooooooong days. And I want to preface all the complaining I’m about to do by saying I’m SO glad my father’s condition is not nearly as bad as we feared, and I’m SO glad he’s still around to drive me out of my mind and will hopefully be around for a long long time. I’m just TIRED. He had the pacemaker put in on Friday, and had to spend that night in the hospital, to my horror surprise. It was outpatient surgery, which is, generally speaking, outpatient, which does, generally speaking, mean you don’t spend the night there. And they scheduled him to spend the night there, for the outpatient surgery, so it’s not like they decided after doing the surgery to keep him overnight. That wacky VA! He did get to come home first thing on Saturday. And Mama took it better this time, although she did ask me 15,890 times when he’d be coming home and I told her 15,890 times that it would be first thing Saturday.  

Of course when he got home he still was very tired, and days later he’s STILL very tired – he thought the pacemaker would immediately make him feel better, because so many people have told him what a difference it made for them. He wasn’t considering the anemia, though, and according to the nurse who checks my mother’s coumadin levels, that will take some time to fix.

I can’t even remember what I did for all those days now. Other than work like a dock hand. Baker B did arrive on Saturday, so that was some relief. (He said next time he visits, he’s going to wear a shirt that says, "My mom’s fine – thanks for asking!" And I’m considering some placards for the repeato questions so that I can just hold them up over and over – "Baker B’s mom is doing very well", "Simon is asleep in the window", "No the cats have not gotten outside", "Maddy is asleep in the rocker", "Daddy is in the kitchen", "Calico is asleep in the window", "All of the cats are inside", "Yes, we do need to leave that window open, it’s very hot", "Yes, we do need to leave that door open, it’s very hot", "Yes, we do need to leave that fan on, it’s very hot.")

It was very hot. I love heat, but it was very. very. very. hot. It was in the 90s every day I was there. They do not have air conditioning. Which ordinarily is not a big deal – I am not a fan of air conditioning. I like having the windows open and the breeze blowing in. Their house has big windows and ceiling fans and it’s not often that it gets too hot in there. Unless, of course, someone is worried about people crawling in the windows and so they go around shutting every window you open. Mama would go through the house saying, "We don’t need this window open, do we?" And she’d start shutting and locking it. I’d go behind her saying, "Yes, we do need it open, it’s very hot in here." And I’d open it. And ten seconds later she’d say, "We don’t need this window open, do we?" And start shutting and locking it. Then when I’d get her convinced that we really really really needed all the windows AND the front door open, AND the fans on (she kept turning them off too) she’d start reminding me – repeatedly – that we had to shut them before we go to bed. So nobody gets in. This would start around noon. By then I was wishing very much that someone WOULD crawl in the windows and drag me off. Somewhere. Anywhere!!!

"Charles Manson!! It’s GREAT to see you!!!! Let’s get the hell out of here!!!!!"

BOY was I glad to come home. And I SO dread the next round, when Daddy has the surgery. Of course, we don’t know when that will be. He thought he had to call and make an appointment for the surgery, so Monday I tried calling the VA to make the appointment. Everyone I talked to was baffled as to why he’d be told to schedule his surgery over the phone. Well, so was I, but I stay baffled by most things the VA does. Like how they put on his discharge papers for the pacemaker surgery that he was to come back and have the stitches removed on May 17. Like ten months from now. That was the other thing I was trying to straighten out with this phone call. Turns out, after I talked to half the people down there, he has an appointment set up to schedule the surgery. The appointment was on his List of Appointments printout but since it said something about Urology and didn’t say anything about being a surgery consultation, AND isn’t till August 22, I had no idea that’s what it was. Colons and urology don’t seem to belong together to me, but again, I’m no medical expert. So he’s not even scheduling surgery for a month, and who knows how long it will be after that. They are, as usual, in no rush. The good thing is at least one of us can go with him and talk to the doctor about it. In all the time he was at the VA before, none of us was ever there when the doctor came around.

And I better go, despite having many more things to whine/worry about. I’ve got to get back to work. Drama Queen is out because her tooth abscessed and she had it pulled yesterday and she took too many painkillers and THEY made her sick and although she did come in earlier she ended up going home. Aggravation Receptionist continues to complain about her wisdom teeth, which she had removed, what, a month ago?? But are still horribly painful. She’s been back to that dentist and to one or two others, who can’t find anything wrong with her. It could be that the surgeon damaged the nerves. She has one or two more appointments coming up about them. It could also be she’s in competition with Draaaama Queen for who has the most draaaaaaaama. The good thing is it’s very slow and New Guy is still Perfect Employee.

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July 23, 2008

How can you make unrelenting frustration so darn funny? I sprayed my Rice Krispies all over the keyboard at the Charles Manson reference.

July 23, 2008

I was thinking about you all weekend. I like the placcard idea because the time with your parents does sound like major exhausting. May the rest of the week bring a surprising amount of calm and quiet. Glad the Mr. Perfect remains perfect. What a nice change!

You made me laugh about your signs. It might not be a bad idea though. LOL! You are doing great things for your parents. You won’t have any regrets later.

July 23, 2008

Who was it that called families, “The ties that bind and gag?”

i never saw my husbands doctors,(and neither did he)at any of the hospitals or the storage facility aka henderson hell care so if you get to see your dad’s doctors i am going to be really impressed.

Silly question I know, but have you considered getting some outside help during the next phase of your dad’s treatment? A friend of mine was able to get daytime help for her father in law when he became a bit senile. This was only so that her mother in law could continue working without worrying he’d wander or hurt himself. I know you want to be the good daughter and help your mom and dad for the great parents they have been, but there’s no harm in getting help so you can keep your sanity long enough to help them some more later.

July 24, 2008

It’s a pity that, once we get our own lives together, parents can’t just go on to the “next thing”. They do come back to haunt us.

July 24, 2008

Thank you for the note. There were two or three dogs after that, but talking about them would have meant losing focus on my anger … and we can’t have that. I have cats now … 6 or 7, depending on how you count. I would like to live somewhere where there are no cars and no coyotes.

July 24, 2008

Am glad you laughed, I was afraid it was too heavy an entry.

July 24, 2008

And I’ll add Dexter to Netflix. thanks.

July 24, 2008

I don’t like AC either. And speaking of Charles Manson, I keep waiting to read about the Perfect Employee and how they’ve found corpses in his basement.

July 24, 2008

RYNw/link: OMG, I can’t stop laughing at that site! I am just spewing my supper right now. What a hilarious site!!!

RYN: If the place in Black Mountain is the one I’m thinking of, my friend who’s 75-ish takes her Alzheimer’s-suffering husband there a couple of weeks each summer. She stays on-property in her own cabin/bungalow/apartment and they even have activities to keep them mentally active! She says she has to do this to keep herself sane. We all have a certain amount of guilt when it comes to aging parents but you are smart enough not to let it get to you.

July 25, 2008

ryn – very Zen, yes, but totally uninformative, darn it. Why is it that for some of us nervousness settles in the stomache? Doing taxes makes me feel like hurling. But it doesn’t bother J at all. D is leaving in a minute to pick up BD for the weekend. I’m going to C’ville so won’t see her much. But then she’s working tomorrow. Enjoy the weekend.

July 28, 2008

Tis a good sign that you can find some good news with New Guy. Wishing you strength.