how about a little whine with that?

I’ll post some more old photos later – perhaps tonight. I enjoy it and it’s fun and it’s something other than whining about my job which seems like all I ever do if I write a normal entry. And I’m not even in the Job From Hell anymore, which I do keep reminding myself. But right now I’m at work and I need to take a break – and what better thing to do while on a break than whine!

I’m really tired – I haven’t slept well at all for the last two nights. I keep waking up, like 29,747 times all night long. Last night I also woke up whimpering at one point because I was dreaming someone was trying to get in the house. A shadowy but very threatening figure was at the door. They were going to kill me. I’m sure this has NOTHING to do with watching Deadwood right before bed. It’s probably also related to watching 12 Oz. Mouse, this really really REALLY strange cartoon by the AquaTeen Hungerforce/Space Ghost/ Adult Swim guys. Baker B saw a little bit of it online and ordered the DVD, which is some three hours of this bizarre cartoon. 

I can’t even begin to describe it, other than it’s the kind of thing where you sit there thinking, "This is is kind of stupid. This is really silly. I don’t get this. This is…. oh my god, this is brilliant!!! " It’s very surreal and obviously heavily influenced by David Lynch. Anyhow, it also involved a shadowy menacing figure.

So, not enough sleep for me.

We’re all kind of distracted today. My boss, D, is now a brand new grandmother, as of about 4:30 yesterday afternoon. She’s currently gone over to the hospital to sit with her daughter-in-law and visit the baby (who, judging by her pictures, is very cute, especially for a newborn). Aggravation Receptionist just left for lunch, naturally not asking if I’m okay with waiting till she’s back in an hour – we generally go at the same time but since D isn’t here I don’t want to leave Drama Queen alone. This happens every time D isn’t here. I don’t mind, but it’s the principle of her not even asking. As usual.

And of course Drama Queen (who was Captain Drama but I keep tying Drama Queen instead and Captain Drama sounds too much like Captain Airhead, so there ya go) is full of drama and creditors calling her at work and the now-ex-roommate calling her at work and DRAAAAAAAAAAAMA!!!!! I’m low on patience for both of them.

In an almost-amusing moment earlier today, Aggravation Receptionist, who is perpetually on the phone with all her many family members, and who is always letting the phone ring hoping someone else will pick it up, which is even more annoying when it is yet another one of her family members calling, came stomping in my office where D and I were going through grad checks, and said, "There’s someone holding for {Drama Queen} but I think she’s on a PERSONAL CALL!!!"

I nearly laughed, actually. Aggravation Receptionist and Drama Queen have pretty much the same work ethic as far as calling in sick, being on the phone with personal calls all day long, and playing on the internet, but Aggravation Receptionist is always pointing out Drama Queen’s shortcomings. Which are exactly like her own, except Drama Queen doesn’t annoy me like AR does. Believe it or not. DQ is very funny and entertaining, at least. And also keeps meticulous track of the time she’s out and the time she needs to make up, while AR makes up very little unless it’s at least half a day. Never the half hour she comes in late or whatever.

And she’s now back, fifteen minutes late, so I’m ending this whine and going to lunch now myself.

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April 4, 2008

Smiles….Have a great weekend !!

April 4, 2008

I find it so interesting the kinds of images that can slip so easily in and disturb our subconscious. It seems like there needs to be a seed there of anxiety of frustration or fear and the image just bonds to it and goes to town. I hope you are able to relax tonight and sleep a deep uninterrupted sleep.

April 4, 2008

I suggest no 12 Oz. Mouse or limburger cheese before bedtime! (Also, this really helps me: It is by the Tylenol PM and similar stuff at my Walgreen’s. It doesn’t give me a “hangover” like the Tylenol PM type products do.) Hope you had an aggravation-free lunch!

April 4, 2008

I hope your weekend will be full with peace and joy! Take care, smiles

April 4, 2008

hope you have a good weekend. take care,

April 4, 2008

Man, don’t you wish you were in charge of their raises? Interesting cartoon, indeed. I’m sorry you’ve not been sleeping well. I find I’m like that at the change of seasons. Maybe it’s actual primordial (is that the right word?).

April 4, 2008

Twice in recent times I’ve found myself on the floor at night, after diving out of bed, dreaming that someone was trying to shoot me.

April 4, 2008

Sleep during work…it works for others…;)

April 4, 2008

How come the queen/drama/airhead is a commissioned officer at all, why not, say, a 12 ounce cocksucking (nod to deadwood) sargent?

April 4, 2008

RYN: It is at the discretion of the instructor and this one is being a butt.

the day will come when you are their supervisor. gaaaah!

April 4, 2008

lol. Co workers are funny. NOT! ryn: Thank you so much for your understanding note. I feel like such a oddball for my feelings and then someone says they have felt the same way and it makes you not feel so stupid. Thank you.

April 5, 2008

Isn’t a receptionist’s job to answer the phone? Can the rest of you just let the phones ring when she doesn’t answer? What a loser she is! Hope you don’t have any more bad dreams.

April 5, 2008

Ain’t co-workers wonderful?? That’s why I’m self-employed.

Every once in a while I’ll watch Adult Swim with Kyle and think the EXACT thing you mentioned about how stupid it is and then suddenly it’s brilliant! It’s like a dirty little secret for me. AR does not realize how fortunate she is to have that job, plain and simple.

I hope you got some rest on the weekend. Spinster still NIS