live from the trenches

Or at least the Office of Perpetual Confusion. The break is nearly over, everyone’s returning to campus (and sucking up all the parking) and nobody can figure out what exactly it is that they’re doing. I’m trying to catch up with the graduation audits for spring grads, and we’re so far behind that instead of using their previously attached fall schedule for the audit (the semester that’s long been over and done with), now I’m having to call them all to see if their spring schedules are final or if they’ll be dropping or adding classes. It totally changes how we do the audit, and is much too boring and complicated to go into, but I can’t seem to come up with a way to ask them without having to go into the boring and incomprehensible detail of why I need to know this. I want to say, "Hi there! Is your spring schedule final or will you be making changes during drop add? GIVE ME A YES OR A NO! That’s all I need – a ONE WORD ANSWER!!! "

I mean, it’s not a hard question but since  they don’t really know why I’m asking and I can’t really tell them briefly in a way that makes sense to them, they can’t give me a one word answer. They have to say, "Well I THINK it’s final, but I might add this and I might drop that and I need another humanities but I also have too many hours…" etc etc etc. So that answer is NO, but I don’t get "no", I get the five page explanation of why it might change. Or it might not. They aren’t sure. They could live with what they have but they might want to switch this to that, etc etc etc. And if they make changes to their schedule after I’ve done the audit based on the assumption that they won’t make changes, it changes the results of the audit.

I think really the thing to do is to just assume nobody’s schedule is final until after drop-add is over on the 18th. It’s too confusing this way. When I am Queen that’s what we’ll do. Of course, in the past we were never this late getting them done – when they fill out a request they have to tell us what’s up with their schedule, but we’re so late that we’re on the NEXT semester’s schedule, not the one they were on when they filled out the audit. And by "we" I mean not me, since I wasn’t here last year.

This is thrilling stuff, I know.

On the good side, looks like I will get to be Queen when D retires at the end of May. I had hoped I would be next in line for her job, and after my review today with the dean, I find that I am indeed. They have to post it, but apparently everyone wants me to have it – so that’s good news. It’s a supervisory position – and a better office! And I have till May to suck all the vast knowledge out of D’s brain. And to panic and be anxious and have a nervous breakdown over all the things that could happen.

And sneer at the College of Ed, where I worked overtime constantly and did three separate and simultaneous jobs  and got outstanding reviews and remained on the bottom of the pay and grade barrel for seven years despite all my efforts to improve my lot. I’ve already been bumped up a grade here, and gotten a raise, and I’m sure D’s job will involve another grade bump. So, that’ll be two jumps in less than a year.  HA!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

My other coworker here is proving to be very unreliable, so she isn’t a contender for D’s job. I would have had seniority anyhow since I’ve been on campus longer, but it won’t be an issue. She is this very bright, very quick, very witty, very likable 26 year old, who has more drama than … well, than something that’s very very dramatic. Drama Queen doesn’t even begin to describe her. There is ALWAYS a drama, and it usually involves her missing work. Or being totally distracted when she is here. Her pipes broke, her heat was off, her car broke down, her kid is sick (that’s a perpetual one), she had a wreck, she’s about to be evicted for not paying her rent. Etc etc etc. Last night she went to the emergency room for a kidney infection and didn’t get out till 3 am. She said she called and left a message, but none of us had one from her. I’m starting to wonder if she’s making some of this up, since this sounds a LOT like an emergency room visit from several months ago. And I really hate to start doubting her, but I’ve had previous experience with Continual Disaster Drama Queens whose drama escalates and escalates until the stories start repeating/conflicting and you finally discover a lot of it is big old lies.

And while I appreciate the inventiveness, it’s kind of a pain to be one person short all the time. On the rare days that she does make it in, she’s late. Or has to leave early. And I really like her, so I hate to see her implode. Especially since she’s had a hard past – she’s a single mother, her little girl’s father is in jail and not only is he in jail, he has SEVEN OTHER CHILDREN so she isn’t getting any child support out of him, her brother is an unemployed low-life who lives off her, and now her brother’s ex-girlfriend and mother of HIS child (which their parents are raising, having gotten custody of the poor kid) is living with her, AND him, I guess, and SHE doesn’t work… it just never ends. Basically she makes some reaaaaaaaaaly stupid choices, but hey, I’m old and can see it. Easy for me to say. But I fear she’s on the way out. Which is such a shame, because she’s SO smart and has been taking classes to get her degree and she is really really really about to screw her life up even worse.

Oh, well. I guess I’ve had enough of a break, and enough ranting on about coworkers. How about kitty pictures! All of these are a little old – especially the first one. Well, the other two are a few weeks old. They’re growing so fast that they’re nearly out of the teeny kitten stage. And are still, obviously, the cutest things ever.

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January 9, 2008

Congrats on the promotion! I hate it when they post stuff though and real people like us don’t really have a chance to get it.

January 9, 2008

They are VERY cute and obviously all worn out from Circus Time! Congrats on the promo and all the good things that go with it.

January 9, 2008

Oh I want to nap too! May will be here before we know it. I look forward to hearing about the new work digs. 🙂

The 26 year old train wreck is a Lena-in-training. You know Lena, my 56 year old sis who just has one tragedy after another in her life. It’s a DAILY thing, and you know what? Know matter how much compassion and sympathy someone has for that sort of thing-that crap gets OLD. Why can’t we work with adult humans? At least you will be tapped for a long overdue promotion! I am soooooooooo happyfor you! This is the most excellent news since the kitties, or the refi!! I bet Baker B is thrilled for you.

congrats on the upcoming promo. as for the drama queen? she is making her own life hell. sigh. choices.

January 9, 2008

There’s this self-sabotage treadmill some people get on and they just can’t get off. Your cats are adorable! Aren’t we nuts, with all the pet pic posting?

January 9, 2008

What is the allure of sinks to cats? I always have to scoop one of mine out of the bar sink in the sunroom before I can use it.

January 10, 2008

Queen Edna – how exciting!! Perhaps you should add Counsellor and Advisor to your title. If only co-workers would listen, lives would improve. Listening is not a characteristic of those under 40. I wish I could curl up with a bud on a cozy chair and nap the day away. I’m awaiting a call from Dad’s nurse practicioner today for info on why the chemo schedule change.

January 10, 2008

Ignore my previous rude comment – I’m thinking of my offspring not listening. Don’t know why I carried it to everyone under 40. Perhaps because it sounds like your co-worker is making adolescent decisions. No excuse.

January 10, 2008

Those cats are all kinds of naughty, you can just tell by looking at their cute little faces.

January 10, 2008

Cool about the job! I wouldn’t want to be anybody’s supervisor. I don’t think I’d be good at it. (I would just treat them like my kids and they would probably get pissed off at me! Cute kitties!

January 10, 2008

Yay for promotions!!! You would think that your coworker would take into consideration that she is a single mother and therefore be far more reliable at her job to ensure that she always has an income to support her and her kid(s). What cute kitties! They do grow fast don’t they? RYN: The Cask and Cream stuff is exactly like Bailey’s. David’s hair came out very nice, maybe Baker B could be inspired by someone else’s hair the way David was? Lots of hugs, John

January 11, 2008

RYN: I don’t blame your boss. David is the same way when people call in “sick”. He’s spent more then one shift having to alternate between doing his work, the work of the person who was out, and running to the bathroom so that he could be sick. Oh, and the person who was out? She only called out on Friday, after telling us that she wishes she could have taken it off. I don’t get people sometimes. Hugs, John

I’f you are still up-check out my latest entry full of new baby pics! I’m off to bed now-work tomorrow-make that TODAY. Uggghhhh.

January 13, 2008

Well now you know anything I had to say intelligent went out the window when I saw the cat oics. They are so cute!

Scary as it seems, I feel like your coworker….only I am with some who is very good. It could be a bad karma wave that you get stuck in for awhile. Congratulations on the job! That’s great news.