happy friday

Snappy title, I know. I’m a little distracted, hard as that is to imagine. New Person J is stuffing envelopes, and although she is usually as quiet and considerate an office mate as one could have, unfortunately when she is doing something mindless like stuffing envelopes she has a tendency to start chatting. Oh, well, I’ll just do this instead of all the work I need to do that requires concentration. I think I deserve a break. Hey – I’ll take one!

Yesterday I made a visit to the Girly Doctor. That was lots of fun. I mean, even more fun that the usual fun, which is of course no fun at all. My appointment was at 2:00. I walked in to a waiting room packed full of babies, toddlers, mothers who looked about 14, and grandmothers who were, ummm, about my age. I tried unsuccessfully to tune out the din of screaming, crying, wailing, and ceaseless baby-talk. I’d made the mistake of assuming there would be something to read, and didn’t bring anything with me. Well, there WAS lots to read, if you wanted to read about pregnancy or parenting or small children. Or could wrestle the one golf magazine away from the one guy in the waiting room. People were changing babies on the sofa, toddlers were slinging blocks at everyone, babies were spitting up their lunch, much was made over a woman finding a laundry basket for $6 at WalMart. I wondered whether it was possible that I’d died without realizing it and gotten sent to hell.

At 3:00 they called me in.  And told me that the doctor had an emergency and wouldn’t be back till 3:30. I could wait. I could reschedule. Or….I could leave and come back! I ran screaming strolled out for tea and a newspaper and came back at 3:30. And the waiting room was even more packed than before, but at least I got called in for the second time fairly quickly. The exam didn’t take long at all. And the doctor, a very nice man who says "thank you" so often that it starts getting a little odd, tells me I’m in wonderful health and everything looks just fine and my blood pressure is good and my iron is great and my weight is fine! He tells me my weight is fine every time I’m there. I guess it does look good compared to his usual patients who are, oh, eight months pregnant. But whatever! I’m fine with hearing it, true or not. And that’s over for another year or five.

So it’s the usual madness here. Suddenly I’ve got people coming out of the woodwork who were here 20 years ago and want to come back. The dean brought a guy in a few minutes ago, who had been a student here back in the 80s and wanted to see if we had his files. Well, first of all – no, we don’t keep files from 25 years ago. And secondly, he wasn’t even an education major when he WAS here, so his files were never here in the first place – they were in Arts and Sciences. He just wants to be an education major NOW. After he dropped out in the 80s. He’s decided he might like to be a teacher, and he’d love to start school on Monday when summer session cranks up. And he had scary eyes that were looking in two different directions at one time. We finally got him pointed in the direction of Admissions.

I’ve also had a series of ongoing calls from another guy who was ALSO here in the late 80s. He graduated in the late 80s and came back to get certified to teach in the early 90s. He got all the way to student teaching, and dropped out. In 1991. So now he wants to know if he can just student teach again and get his license. Never mind that it’s been 16 years and a few requirements have changed since then. And REALLY never mind that upon doing some digging, I found that he’d been an education major as an undergraduate and took most of the classes then, but suddenly changed majors at the last minute. And he barely had the minimum GPA. So it looks like there was probably some problem way back then but who knows what it was, because we don’t keep files for that long. Actually I called Arts and Sciences about him and they destroy everything after ten years. Which really isn’t very long, since people come out of the woodwork 25 years later on a regular basis. And he keeps calling me and being very snippy even though at this point the Associate Dean is looking at his "situation" and it’s out of my hands. And, best of all, he sounds just like Forest Gump. A snippy Forest Gump.

I think my favorite, though, was the call I got yesterday. This woman graduated in 1981 in Elementary Education. And she’d paid her fee and turned everything in, but she never got her license. Could I tell her why she didn’t get it? TWENTY SIX YEARS AGO??? Oh, let me just run over to the Magic Crystal File Cabinet and check!

I actually did laugh at that one. And I will give her points for being good natured about it and admitting that she probably should have looked into this, oh, twenty six years ago. At least 25 years ago. Now she’s wanting to get a teaching job and surprisingly the lack of a teaching license is a problem. But she applied for it! She just never got it!

Well, I’m going to end with some pictures that will give the impression that we’re actually expereincing spring here. In reality, it’s 54 degrees out there. BRRRRRR.

 Rhododendrons blooming in Blowing Rock! Actually, this is ALL stuff blooming in Blowing Rock. Boone has a very unwalkable downtown thanks to all the traffic and chaos.


And these are the domestic ones, which bloom a month or so earlier than the wild ones. Which we have tons of around here.







And the pretty little park in the evening.

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May 18, 2007

OMG I just posted a doc waiting room rant! Great minds . . . Love the pics, especially the iris!

May 18, 2007

“…that I’d died without realizing it and gotten sent to hell.”…LOL!!! I wrote something about the Dr.’s waiting room too!! not as funny as what you wrote, not even close. have a safe week-end!!

May 18, 2007

I love the name “Girly Doctor”; it’s a new one for me. Yes, reading material is quite limited in their waiting room!

May 18, 2007

great pics!…… 🙂

May 18, 2007

Hell as a waiting room full of trailer trash – this has possibilities.

May 18, 2007

YIKES, I HATE GOING TO MY GYNECOLOGIST!!! And for the very reasons you mentioned.

May 19, 2007

Maybe this is why I keep conveniently forgetting to scheduled my girly stuff? Beautiful florals! Love them!

May 19, 2007

Absolutely glorious photos. If you ever decide to change careers, you’ll make a fortune. Be well….

The doctor office story was so funny. I am caught between the world of reaching menopause and having a baby of ten months. I can relate to no one or everyone depending how I feel on any given day. Taking a baby to a doctor’s office is HELL. I try to make an appointment if I can in town. The clinic is a true NIGHTMARE. Believe me, I feel sorry for anyone that would have to wait around us these days. Ben is mobility plus, plus, plus!

May 22, 2007

ryn: she really is fun! i have always put actors in my dreams since i’m a kid. no, haven’t seen the movie yet, but i intend to.

May 23, 2007

Wow, great photos. And funny stories too.

May 24, 2007

RYN, Want a cheap elliptial? This is not the first time I’ve threatened myself to sell the elliptical if I dont’ use it. I lie. I’ve missed ODing too. Somehow creativity ebbs and flows. I’ve been ebbed. I was really sad this weekend and didn’t feel like writing. Friday I learned the names of the other contenders for yesterday’s interview. There’s one who can’t be beat – she’s been doingthe job for 15 years. She is the perfect choice for the job. After the interview yesterday I felt 100% better. I did well, but she will clobber me and everyone else. I did my best (and didn’t cheat) and somehow am happy about it. Go figure. Now I feel more like myself again.

May 24, 2007

Please look at my first page again – is the font any better? I changed it from xx small to x small. Somehow it didnt’ look so microscopic when I created it.

May 25, 2007

I like the water beads in the one photo on the flowers. They make interesting contrasts with the light, and that last shot is lovely. I was asking myself how I could have missed this entry and then realized last Friday I was having my codependent breakthrough and was at the DMV with Mr. Finch. I wonder if the woman who sent in her money 25 years ago has a copy of the canceled check?