haven’t really dropped off the face of the earth

Despite all evidence to the contrary. No, I’ve been sick. Sick, sick, sick. Apparently with the flu, since that’s what our student worker had last week. And what her roommate had and what our other student worker caught. All diagnosed by the infirmary, which admittedly isn’t the Mayo Clinic, but that sounds about right to me. I’ve been fevery, achy, whiny, and spent Sunday and Monday lying on the couch. Or in the bed. Missing the gorgeous springlike weather, which I think was worse than the actually sickness.

I’m much better now, although very spacey and totally without energy.

And this is going to be a very short entry because I have to go to a meeting in half an hour.  

My previously mentioned memo has drawn, oh, 100 panicky emails and phonecalls. Just as I imagined. OH, making it even WORSE, I worded the memo to sound like they have to have the Praxis II. Which they don’t. Maybe. It’s kind of up to the districts now, and it’s part of the complex maneuvers they can go through to become Highly Qualified, and it does make them more marketable. But they don’t HAVE to have it. Unless the school hiring them says they do. And Airhead Woman didn’t check the memo closely and used the one that I was using before the state dropped the requirement, so what I sent them said they have a year to take it. In reality, they don’t have to have it at all. MAYBE. It’s very very very confusing, since our Department of Education is a Master of Confusion and nobody – including the people who work there – really knows what’s going on.

BUT, whatever, I made things even worse by sending the wrong memo! So now I can’t even blame the panic and confusion on people who don’t read what I send them. Because I didn’t read what I sent them myself!!! 

Oh, and this really IS going to be the shortest entry in the history of my entries, since I’ve been interruped so many times that now I have to go to the meeting. Where I REALLY hope I’m able to stay awake.


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April 24, 2007

Hope you are back to 100% soon. OMG how are those students going to teach?!?!?!!?

Sorry you’ve been sick. Here’s hoping you recover your energy quickly!

April 24, 2007

Am glad you’re feeling better. Somehow it’s easier to be sick when the weather is foul outside and you’re warm and dry inside, perhaps sipping hot tea by the fire and being waited on hand and foot by an admiring spouse. Not being able to walk in the sunshine and spring colors is definitely a minus. But sounds like better days are ahead.

Sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon.

April 24, 2007

Feel better! (And staying awake is also good).

i hope tomorrow is a better day for you. when i am sick i make ooodles of mistakes..

April 24, 2007

Aw! I’m sorry! I was sick awhile myself, but with something different! I hope you feel tip top soon!

April 24, 2007

Well if you sent the wrong memo I guess making them read it to you wouldnt be very funny. 🙂 Hope you feel better.

April 24, 2007

I hope you’ve made a full recovery 🙂

April 25, 2007

So sorry. The spring/sick thing totally sucks rocks. I have made more mistakes at this job than I have ever ever made before because of the craziness and stress and then I feel like I am letting myself and everybody else down which contributes to the stress which… It is time we reinstituted sanitariums and gave ourselves lifetime passes.

April 25, 2007

feel better soon. i get a very uneasy feeling when you write about the inadequate way things are handled. it does prove the theory that some things just take care of themselves.

April 25, 2007

Sorry you’ve been under the weather. Hope you are feeling much better very soon.

April 26, 2007

Yep, I stole the idea for the humor from Marge. What an unabashed copy-cat. I’ve been so heavy and gloomy the last week. The VA Tech murders have really affected me. Humor is a good alternative.

This whole thing makes me think that some aspects of life are nuts. I got it better when you explained it in your note. I’d still be fired because following the rules would drive me crazy…that’s a lie…I follow the rules at my school and feel crazy! I hope you get fully better. I hate being sick.

April 28, 2007

I think that place should do a degree in Confusion Studies!