Another parking lot entry

Just another post to save a spot at this site until I feel like writing about my life  or my thoughts again.


Situation normal……


trip to Norway to visit daughter( beautiful country…surreal in it’s tidiness and order against a very wild and rugged landscape) Fixing up the old homestead at a most leisurely and chaotic pace. Making the streets safer for people who are uncomfortable around schizophrenics. Generally procrastinating.


Recovering from bursitis in my left hip…interestingly, I found out why you shouldn’t ignore ‘numbness’ in your leg, and a loss of flexibility. I have something called IT band syndrome, where a tendon in your leg shows a tendency to lose elasticity, so you favour it to the point when it constricts the regular range of motion in your leg. The first sign was pain in my hip when sitting for extended periods. I let it get to the point where this tightened muscle/tendon system would irritate the trochantor of my femur, and only went to the doctor when my hip would get stuck in a painful flexion, and felt ‘dislocated’.(I’m talking at least a year or two here) I’ve been doing physiotherapy   in divided 2 hour sessions for 3 short weeks, and feel almost like my old, more active self. I realize nurses are very neglectful of their own health sometimes, and encourage anyone who finds themselves ‘slowing down’ , feeling aches and pains, and losing function to consult with their doctors and participate in a stretch exercise program. What an idiot I was about this  problem, so easily fixed!

Now, maybe I’ll start applying this insight and new vigour to other areas that need fixing in my life,,,inertia is so hard to shake, and sliding has become such a bad habit for me.


Hope all my favourites are well

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November 15, 2005

I’m well but nothing that couldn’t be improved with the occasional diary entry from you!

November 15, 2005

Go Minerva…doesn’t a reversal of bodily malfunction raise the spirits? I have an odd pain in my hip, qutie severe at times…it’s been going on for several years and it keeps me from running and doing other aerobic work. I would love to recover from this injury but my work with a somatic expert didn’t yield great results. I think I will go in for phsyiotherapy…thanks for the inspiration.

November 15, 2005

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement…I’m going off to bed with a more uplifted spirit.

November 16, 2005

i’m glad you’re legs and hips are happy now. It’s good to have pleasant feeling extremeties. ryn: it’s sort of funny because i have actually been thinking about writing an entry on medications and sort of this paradox i’ve been living as of late. I’ll definitely answer your questions rather shortly here but plan on making my next entry about it. Before my health insurance ran out i was taking

November 16, 2005

Lamictal, serequel, inderal, and welbutrin xl. I was not compeltely ‘happy’ or whatever on the cocktail but i was definitely functional and not nearly as terrified of everything as i am now. I have in the past taken paxil, zoloft, and prozac. none of those seemed to ever work out. i was pretty satisfied with the welbutrin and if my insurance hadn’t dissapeared then i was just about to increase

November 16, 2005

the lamictal, which i’m pretty sure would have been successful. as far as the serequel, for the first 4 or 5 months i was taking it i thought it worked pretty well but after that i started getting a lot of the side effects i was warned about when i first started it. I guess it was all just delayed for me. I would have liked to find something equivilent to it that didn’t make me sleep so much with

November 16, 2005

nightmares. well i quess that wasn’t particularly short but there is definitely more i could go into. But i hope that pretty much answer your questions. and i wouldn’t mind being on those again but i have no money or insurance and my parents live in a very thick denial. i plan on speaking with my mom today actually about getting back on meds, despite what she thinks is best.

November 16, 2005

You’re on my faves list for the FOD diary now. Looking forward to seeing more of you!

November 17, 2005

RYN: luckily that type of renovation is not within our financial means, therefore we will not be putting ourselves through that kind of disruption. : )

January 26, 2006

I loved your description of Norway.