Whittery bit from last night

A nighttime wondering

Dear world
how was I once deluded so
as to think I knew so much of you
when in truth
you hold more wonders
than one lifetime will allow for me
to touch upon more than a small
really infinitesimal fraction of

Is it why some choose
(they do it, it is an act of will)
to become jaded
dripping with world weariness
embittered and vitriolic
rather than see that this planet
for all we know of its geography
its orbit and its history
ecosystems and geology
holds more of brilliance and horror
degradation and delight
peaceful plains and treacherous peaks
than we
no matter how broad our vision
deep our inquisitive exploration
can ever hope to know

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October 17, 2003

i knew that!!

I knew that too! 😉


October 17, 2003


October 17, 2003

L.o.v.e This. *sighs happily*

For a brief moment, you held the world in your hand with this. Smiles & Hugs

October 17, 2003

If we knew it all then what would be the point of life? Life is a quest to learn something new everyday.. Lovely words..

October 17, 2003


October 17, 2003

i feel the arms and the shoulder offered.. i saw and experienced the smile in your words written above and at that other place.. i feel you.

October 17, 2003

thank you! but it is I, who in turn must bow to your talents, fair lady. so true, that we can’t have one without the other… everything must remain in balance…

October 17, 2003

Ah! To choose to keep the wonder alive…

October 17, 2003

love it! ryn: Yeah, we have always been close. I guess that he is feeling strained now…because now I have Scotty to occupy me, and in a year I will be off at college. I hope we work it out, but I’m sure we will.

October 17, 2003
October 18, 2003

With a warm smile…


Amazing : ) There is knowing and then there’s knowing. I doubt you will ever do that jaded stuff but will always seek more brightness. Hugs

so true. so very true. there is much to learn every day we are given to live. i think, meexplorer, this is one of the happiest time of my life (right now). isn’t it interesting, how such sadness can bring such joy. *hugs*