Off I go

I am going private while I’m away, and will see you all when I get back. I wanted to just go no notes, but I can’t just do that; it’s not protected enough. I hope no one thinks I’ve blocked them or anything like that! When I return I’ll open everything back up again. I’ll be back in a little over two weeks. Please allow me some slack in the catching up department! Love and light and joy to all.

Till the dawning arrives

Does the night come over
it is a sleek secret
slipping through

Cradle me dark and mellow
for there are dreams to be had
the day has its own wonders waiting
a new book to write in

One whispered thought
sent out on a breeze
to rustle a curtain
there it is

come take me
for tonight I am yours
if you would have me

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*hugs* Have fun 🙂