Dear Baby Bean #5




Week #5


Dear Baby Bean,

You’re 22 weeks and 2 day along now, almost a foot long and probably a full pound. You’ve almost reached the point of viability, meaning that if you were born prematurely, there’s a chance of survival. I certainly don’t expect any complications though. You and I have both been very healthy through this whole experience.

You’ve been kicking a lot more lately, though it still isn’t very regular or predictable. As you get bigger and take up more space, it will be hard for me to help feeling your flips, punches, and kicks. I’ve also noticed that my rib cage is expanding a bit. Luckily it doesn’t hurt. I just notice that my ribs dig a bit against the mattress when I’m lying in bed. I also seem to be losing some of my waist definition, which is a sign that you’re rearranging all my internal organs to make room for yourself.

I must say, this pregnancy thing is taking quite a toll on me. I did some prenatal yoga this morning, which you seemed to enjoy, and which definitely helped with some of my SPD pain.

Starting tomorrow we’re going to be spending a lot of time on the computer, inventing characters and stories for my yearly fling with being a writer. I do hope I’ll be able to keep doing this after you’re here, because I really love it.



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A pregnant woman who calls her child Bean & who is starting NaNoWriMo tomorrow; are we the same person?! 🙂

October 31, 2011

And if you never make it as a writer, maybe your beautiful daughter will 🙂

November 1, 2011

RYN: Oh my goodness, I know the names of numerous baristas, know that one of them is a strict vegan and one recently moved from San Diego. They also know my name, what I drink, and that I always add soy milk to my drink. It’s pretty ridiculous!

November 1, 2011

Hey what do you think i should i call my signature dish? it’s between “Kenn con carne” or “chili con deadly” 🙂

November 1, 2011

RYN: skeezy old man vibe is TOTALLY what i was going for. chicks love it.

November 2, 2011

RYN: We evolved that way, like. yeah, fresco talks about how man must be free from the boring tasks, the dangerous tasks, the filthy… we must be free to create! So imagine this, you cook, but you also have the tools to look at cooking on a chemical level. you scientifically look at your cooking, you don’t just taste it and go, hmmm this turned out nice. then when you have your creationyou can reproduce it far better, for far many people 🙂 like, you could actually try my chili, or a very close substitute. And if everyone’s job was that, they were all working harder to make better stuff, or new stuff, to share with other people being like, “sweet, humans can now have THIS! and now we have THAT!” instead of war and hunger and other depressing parts of life. My point is that if you were free of all your boring stuff you might be interested in taking an “advanced cookery class” and then taking subjects that build on that afterwards. “the chemistry of sauces” and so on 🙂

November 3, 2011

RYN: I think nailed what I’ve been thinking. The legal ramifications make it harder to walk away when things get tough. I like the bond it creates – it feels stronger than just saying you’re going to stay with someone.