Formal Wedding Pictures

In the interest of moving on, I’m trying not to dwell on the whole theft thing. I have more to say about it, but this is an entry of joy and celebration.  These are some of the posed photos. For anyone growing up in Norwalk, this tree is something of a personality.  So I couldn’t resist having our formal poses in its wonderful branches.  There is something about it that always struck me as somehow holy.


Me and the Boys:


Alan and the Girls:


Me and my dad… You have to understand that I’m not a kissy person. My parents only ever kiss me on the head, so that explains the face:


Alan and his mom:


With the Families:


The Bridal Party:


And outside The Tree:


Alan and Boys on the rock Alan busted his ass jumping off on his mountain bike:


Me and the Girls by the Wishing Well:


Me and Alan in the Garden:



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January 12, 2009

Wow! It’s beautiful where you live! You look lovely!

January 12, 2009

They’re all so beautiful ^_^ ~*Stephanie*~

January 12, 2009

Gorgeous. 🙂 Both you and the pics. 😉 *HUGE HUGE HUGS*

January 12, 2009

RYN: Thanks so much for voting! lol Stunning abs are a wonderful reason to pick a candidate…I actually prefer shrimp A myself. *wink*

That tree is awesome! Beautiful picures everyone looke great! 🙂

January 15, 2009

I LOVE your mom’s bronze dress.