before that…
…the morning ended up greeting you like a warm hand touching your face
before that…
…the sounds that can only be heard
were the footsteps on the dirt pavement…
…the slow pounding of an heartbeat within
and the rythmic motion of breathing in the morning air…
…where moments later
the sun fought hard and finally broke through the dark gray clouds..
…before that
from the looks of it, there were no signs of life out there…
…as you went walking around thinking and pondering
then wondering what the next day…
…what the next month
what the next year is going to be like…
…sometimes it’s too far to see into the future
before that…
…from what i’ve remembered
my recent dream was scattered…
…pieces of it still unsolved
and memories of it lagging to catch up in real time…
…debating if i’m still plugged or unplugged from the matrix
before that…
…it wasn’t until cold splashes of water against my face
that i’ve become alert and mobile…
…because my mind and my body
are waiting to be in sync…
…they know each other
but sometimes they don’t work with each other…
before that…
…woke up before the rays of sunshine
and it was the soundless alarm clock that slowly came into view…
…with its red digital eyes
telling me to wake up and get out of bed…
…before that
my eyes opened…
…and the morning was greeted
like a cold hand touching your face…