
This is the project that kept me from what I thought were going to be "lazy January days of painting walls and making curtains."

"Have you ever made a pop-up book?" Such was the simple question from Lisa Mantchev (our own Dallandrah) that made my brain explode. Paper flew, paint splattered, ink spilled and fairies danced madly. This mixed up, multi-media, illustrated/paper sculpture/ pop-up book collaboration as a book trailer for "Perchance to Dream", the sequel to "Eyes Like Stars" is the result.

The books are a wonderful romp of a read and shimmer with magic. We meet Shakespeare’s incorrigible midsummer fairies, and Bertie, a fascinating 17 year old orphan who has grown up in the lush recesses and intricate workings of an ancient and mystical theatre. Woven throughout Lisa’s rich and visual tales are handsome pirates, beguiling air spirits, heart-pounding adventures, and incredibly unique characters.  

And for me, every page illustrates itself in my head–which is why working with Lisa on this trailer and her website has been So. Much. FUN! (….and so much better than painting the bedroom!)



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June 2, 2010

You. Are. Incredibly. Talented. In fact, you blow me away. This is creative and whimsical and engaging. Beautifully executed.

June 2, 2010

…wow! What fun! I collect pop up books so if you ever want to sell this one! I’m just sayin’… 😉

June 2, 2010

Awwww… enchanting & special! A true work of art & love of art combined.

June 2, 2010

*clapping delightedly*

June 2, 2010

Simply astonishing. Thank you for posting it here.

June 2, 2010

You are full of creative surprises! What fun!

June 3, 2010

Absolutely enchanting!!

June 3, 2010

That is one amazing book!

June 4, 2010

ohhhhh i loved this!!!!

June 5, 2010

Thank you for sharing your wonderful gift of creativity with us……..this is incredible! : )

June 8, 2010

I’m going to come back and view this when I’m not on my phone. I’m a pop-up book nut.

June 8, 2010

I am blown away, Kari… simply blown away!

Oh, didn’t I leave a note here? I can remember playing the video through, with great delight. Obviously I was so blown over that I forgot to say so!

I wonder if it’s largely the gym thing, since I work at a health club. I’d have to say that in Northern California, there isn’t that fakey, image, obsession with looks as there is reportedly in so-cal, but these are generally people who are just that hateful to themselves that they unconsciously spill out that hate to others. and I’m sensitive to this sort of thing, which is what I’m working on. I’m not entirely sure why I am, but it’s ripe for healing now. I’ve got a right to be confident about my body. 🙂

June 10, 2010

the popup book just makes me giddy. 🙂

June 15, 2010

Wow – that is AMAZING!!

June 15, 2010

RYN: I was thinking of deep water churning. But I like the idea of water dancers too. Take care,

June 15, 2010

I love pop up books. Some of the best memories from my youth. Probably what got me into reading. Take care,

WOW!!! Brava!!! What a challenge, and what a *delartful* response from you! I confess that, long long ago, a manager of mine wanted to write a children’s book and asked me to do pop-up illustrations. I was working full-time, with two tweenagers. To my shame, it didn’t happen. But this is to let you know how challenging this project must’ve been, so EXTRA kudos to you! 🙂

oooooooh, funnnnn! Delightful 🙂

August 6, 2010

Speechless over the bottomless depths of your talent and energy!!

beautiful. 🙂 top secret wedding website created! https://sites.google.com/site/mandalaybinkowski/

oh I heaved a sigh of relief to read your note, thank you. It is one of those costs of having a relationship with someone much younger, and I try to let him be 23 even though he so rarely is. It just so pushed my buttons that he had the nerve to watch me working so hard and deciding with himself that he didnt want to bother. and then announcing that he wants to be a house husband aftertelling me so many times that I cant stay at home! (although if we have a baby, I’ll probably be best working at home watching another baby along with ours). I suspect that in part, it’s him being young and blurting out words and not fully realizing how they will sound. I dont really know how to fathom having a partner whose debts are so huge that he cannot contribute financially to our relationship for so many years. and when I seek ways to relieve that immense pressure, he just doesnt feel motivated enough to do anything. I’m trying to remember I got overwhelmed, too, and I ducked my head and hid for awhile. sigh. I just didnt make anybody else clean up my mess.

September 13, 2010

Wonderful !!

You have taken me to an enchanted place. How wonderful

September 17, 2010

It’s magnificent! Brava!!!

September 18, 2010

Did I miss out something? where art thou, girl?????

October 3, 2010

Omg!!! You are an amazingly talented artist!!!!

Where are you….

November 15, 2010

RYN: Thanks for dropping in. 🙂

ryn: Thank you! How sweet of you to say. I *completely* understand what you mean about not having room on OD for even MORE high-maintenance friends! I will add you to my favorites, if you don’t mind – this entry alone is a great introduction!

ryn: thank you – I very much appreciate your kind words. Feel free to say hello on gchat/via e-mail anytime. all the best,

December 25, 2010

Ho Ho Ho!!! And a Merry Christmas to you!!! º<||:o< Yooooooohooooooooo? Come back, Adagio, just for a glimpse?

December 26, 2010

RYN: Thanks. It is a crazy time of year to have everything breaking loose, but I’m glad for the positives. Hope 2011 is good to us both! 🙂

January 20, 2011

RYN: Thank you. Long time since you’ve done an update yourself, Miss Lady! 🙂 Nat’l Geo did a smell survey years ago. The #1 most appealing scent to men? Vanilla extract. 🙂