May – August 2009….Job Change

I am going to try to be better about posting. I know it makes me feel better to get stuff out.

Right now I don’t have a lot of stuff. Things are just kind of level in my life.

In August I got a new job. That is when I should have been posting this, in August. Holy Moly!! But here I am in January 2010! I work for an AFLAC District Sales Coordinator. I answer the phone, keep people off his back, and all the claims. I LOVE MY JOB!!

I did mention that my manager at my old job left but I never mentioned a new one. I was probably working by myself. Getting off at 3 PM was awesome but getting up at 4 AM sucked big time. By the end of the day I was too exhausted to do anything. About a week before Nadine had Tatum and Graduated I got a new manager so I didn’t get the time off as I had planned on taking.

The new manager started doing things, right away, that were not okay with me.

He would throw my stuff away. I told him "if it is not yours, it must be mine do not throw it away." I am talking about things that belonged to me. Not garbage, items that he had no business throwing. I had notes to remind me of things (I suffer from CRS) I would find them in the trash. Funny how I could remember I made a note but could not remember what was on the note. I needed the damn note. I went as far as telling him that his office is his space and the rest of the building was mine. "If it is in your office you may throw it, if not don’t touch it." I was constantly telling him to stop throwing away my stuff.

He wouldn’t come back to the office to relieve me for my dinner break. He would tell me to just lock up. Yeah and when regional manager finds out, whose ass is it? Probably mine!!

One time, we knew that we had 20 people coming in to fill out applications because the client was basically doing pay-rolling through us so they were "hiring" specific people but we still needed the application and I-9 on file. I had told the manager the night before we need pens. I got to work and all these people start coming in. I have 2 pens! Twenty damn people and two pens. I stormed out the door!!! When I left I was leaving for good!! Then I thought about it and drove a couple blocks and bought pens. We got all the applicants taken care of and out the door….then I blew my stack!! He still didn’t get it! He thought that I was pissed at the applicants. WTF!! Really, you don’t get it???? Stupid F*%k.

Speaking of I-9’s Command was very anal about the I-9’s one little error and they would reject it. Which was a good thing! We constantly got e-mails from the top dog about companies getting busted for illegal aliens and I-9’s not being filled out. It was atrocious and insane how often we would get those email…right from the top…the owner!! But the new manager, he didn’t care if they had proper ID or not. He took anything! OMG. I kept thinking "he’s going down and I’m not going with him!"

Yeah, I know he is the manager and I am only the Staffing Specialist…but at least I am a "specialist" like I specialize in what I do. What I do is staffing….Staffing Specialist. I had been at my job for over three years, I know the clients, I know the Field Team Members ~ the workers. He sent a guy flagging for a construction company on a busy road that had no business flagging! Some people are just not cut out for or intelligent enough for some jobs ~ this was the case here. I tried to tell him. I tried to tell him the client does not want to stop half way through the day to sign ticket and change workers. They don’t want to see new faces every day. They want the same people and they want those people to work all day long. The people working…they want to work all day long. Pissing people off is one thing but when it came to safety and he wouldn’t listen….I’m out of here!!

The manager of another staffing agency came in and offered me a job. I had already heard enough about him that it really wasn’t an option but I told my manager about it. He went to that guy and told him to never enter our building or speak to me again. Are you kidding me? Again WTF? What gives him the right to tell anyone not to speak to me…he does not own me.

Borrowing money! OMG I don’t know who was dumb and who was dumber. He would ask to borrow money and I would do it. One time is was $230, another time it was $120, $80, $20. I finally told him no! He would always pay me back but it only takes one time to get burned. I would bring food out of our cupboards for him. He would tell me that he was hungry and couldn’t afford to buy groceries. I am not sure if he was playing me or if it were the truth. But, yeah, I fed him…often.

The day that I interviewed with my new boss AND his wife I was frazzled right out of my head!! I think that is the day he had dispatched "Joe Unqualified" to flag and I was a nervous wreck about it. I am not sure what made them decide that I was the right candidate for the job but they did and I am so happy! I don’t dread going to bed at night! I don’t dread getting up in the morning. I am so happy as far as my job goes!!

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Wow, I’m so glad you got out of there! He sounds like a nut! I thought my manager was bad…well he is and I’ll most likely be ranting about him in my next entry but daaamn. Glad you don’t dread going to work anymore. 🙂