Herpes Control

I think this is my third entry for today. What’s up with me?

I believe that I have my herpes under control. Thanks to Roller Beth and the Listerine idea. I don’t have Listerine but I do have Crest mouthwash. It has no alcohol but kills germs. I have been using a Q-tip to swab it on.

I can say “at least” mine is in the corner of my mouth. Not really noticeable and it would not get in the way if I were getting any lip action.

Mr. Secret was sick all last week. He didn’t even me yesterday because he was too cranky. I don’t know how he gets so sick all the time. I am glad that I don’t get half of the crap that he does. I figure that my immune system is built up from working with the public for so long.

I cleaned my front windows. Oh, Lord you should have seen all the dead, tiny bugs hiding in the garland. Yeah, we took down the tree and the garland today. I still have my fiber optics tree up though. But the dead, tiny bugs ~ there were a ton! I am glad that Dick hauled the plant and planters out for me today. The bugs were certainly getting annoying ~ especially when they would try to help me drink my coffee and drown themselvesinstead. I am sure that I drank a bug or two when I wasn’t paying much attention! Ugh!!

I am off to my bed. It is pretty early but I have been up all day and worked hard. I hope that I can sleep all night though. I hope that I have no pain tomorrow!

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January 6, 2008

I did read something that we swallow like 25 bugs a year or something that we don’t know about. Isn’t that just disgusting? Okay, is Dick your husband or your ex-husband. I feel like I should know, but I can NOT remember. In my defense, it’s been a traumatizing day.

Lip action. I like that!

January 7, 2008

Yay for the herpes being under control! Does Mr. Secret take vitamens or anything? He does get sick way too much. Ugh for bugs in your coffee *shivers* ((hugs))

Glad you got the herpes under control! Only form I’ve ever had was of the chicken pox variety (twice actually) and that was annoying enough! 🙂

January 11, 2008

Gross “BUGS” lol Hope you get all that controlled too. I know the feelings I have been gettign alot of that also in my laundry room where I have my plants too. And here its HUMID during the cold air too. Hope you dont experience another “breakout of herpes” it is very painful. GOOD LUCK!