New Angel

I sit here with my heart breaking. I can not imagine what it would feel like to lose a child of my own when the loss of a friend feels like this.

***Rejoice For God Has A New Angel***

Good Morning:

I sit here briefly this morning to inform you all that Tory was summoned to join God in heaven early this morning and did so at about 4:25 a.m., in a very peaceful and painless way. I ask that everyone take a moment to thank God for sharing her with us all over the last 12 1/2 years of her life here on earth and to remember how she touched each of us in a way only she could.

That is an excerpt of the latest entry at Caring Bridge. Tory fought a battle. I can not imagine fighting the battle that she did ~ let alone a child fighting that battle.

When you think that you hear somebody singing it will probably be Tory. She loved to sing!

*I have never liked the sound of a wind chime but I think that has changed today. Tory’s Grandmother left a note on the Caring Bridge


From now on when I hear wind chimes I will think of Tory and the beauty that she brought to this earth.



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August 20, 2005

So sad…i was thinking about her yesterday. I just had a feeling. My heart goes out to the family.

August 20, 2005

that breaks my heart. i’ve lost a friendn to brain cancer before and he was only 20 yrs old. i don’t understand why cancer is running so rampant around these parts especially brain cancer. i wish the best for the family. take care.

August 21, 2005

{{{HUGS}}} When you have a sick child, or one that you know can be taken at any time – even though if you honestly think about it, any of us could be taken at any time… you prepare yourself for that day, I pray that day doesn’t come for us, but I am thankful for everyday I am given with my kids too. Sounds like a very strong family. RTYN: Thanks for the note – I don’t make them all, just

August 21, 2005

swipe a lot of them 🙂 You can search for them on the web under *free blinkies* or the such.