My Feet Are Not My Own

I feel like my feet are not my own. I have been having pain in the ball of my foot but when I try to massage the pain there is really no pain. The pain is more in my toes and on the top of my foot so why does the ball of my foot hurt. I can not be having foot pain ~ I stand! Standing is my job. It is not excruciating pain but just baby pain. I just need to cry about it for a bit.

When it seems like I am complaining I am usually just documenting. Pains come and pains go so I like to keep track of what hurts and when. If I ever decide to go to the doctor for something then I can look it up. They always ask how long have you had it or when did you have it last. This way I will know. Neck pain on such and such a day. Foot pain that day. Pain in the ass this day. Hehe!

Nay is better and she was not sick all day long so it is just a short lived bug. Thank God for small favors!

My Christmas spirit is returning! I am chomping at the bit to get a tree. I have all new decorations to use!

I am telling right now ~ if I come home from work tonight and my alarm clock is not lit up there is going to be hell to pay. I have had to set the clock and the alarm for the past four nights! Someone is messing with me and I don’t think that it is funny!

The girls have a basketball game tonight. At least it is a home game because we have been getting freezing drizzle. It should be fun driving!

Speaking of which ~ I must get my hind end moving so I can get the banking done on time today. Cocky did the banking for me Monday so I took today. I work tonight! Cutie needed to tonight off, I wanted Saturday off ~ worked out perfect for both of us! I get a Saturday off! Did you hear that I am taking a weekend night off! Plus next week I am having Friday off for no particular reason.

Off and running like a lunatic. I am hoping to get back here this afternoon to catch up. I see that a few of my favorites have updated.

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