I woke up all upset. I was reliving a nightmare or so it was for me.  I was dreaming about my parents. My mother had Alzheimers and was going steadily downhill. I just couldn’t cope with it. Finally I had to. I asked my father if he needed help and he said yes. I started making phone calls to hire someone. I WOKE UP!!!!! Maybe for some people this would not be considered a nightmare but watching my once very strong and determined mother lose it was more than I could take. She died about seven years ago. I still regret that I couldn’t handle it better. When she started forgetting I just became "crazy." I did look after her by hiring people. Thank GOD I could afford it. I got no help from my brother and sister…………….not financially or otherwise.

I hope every one had a great Christmas with family and friends. Hubby went golfing. I stayed home and cleaned and organized. For most of the day I was ok but I really wished I had my own car. For me it isn’t working out well at all. My hubby once again doesn’t seem to care or understand.  He wants the car four days a week. I know that leaves me three but sometimes I need it on other days. I don’t want to complain when other people don’t have a car, are starving etc but this is my reality. It wasn’t a nice day so I didn’t go sit at the pool. I KNOW!!!!!! Other people are freezing!!!!! Anyhow the day is over and I survived. he says I can have the car on Saturday. I will take full advantage and be gone from dawn to dusk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mail a present to my grandson

return an item at the New Age store

buy a baby present

food shopping

yarn store – I hope to sit there and knit a couple of hours so I get it done

waxing my face

etc etc.

My son arrived home safely. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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December 25, 2013

We had a wonderful Christmas, my son and daughter in law came over for dinner. Later we went to visit some of my son in laws family and then came home. I loved being with my grandchildren of course, they always make my days happy ones. Merry Christmas. Love,

I can’t imagine seeing my parents suffer like that. No wonder you couldn’t handle it! It’s such a reality of life, isn’t it, aging. How sad that your siblings didn’t help out at all. How do people abandon their parents?? Glad you had a great Christmas!

December 26, 2013

Your experience of taking care of your mother sounds so much like mine, taking care of my brother. He had more dementia every day and I felt like I was getting it too! I do not think I coped very well, but I did the best I COULD do!! I sympathize about not having a car when you want it. That is damn inconvenient! hugs, Nicky

December 26, 2013

hope you don’t have the nightmare again. i know what it’s like not to have a vehicle. very frustrating. maybe next year you can drive your own car down… maybe with a family member who will fly back? sounds like you need the car more than your hubby understands. prayers for you. take care,

December 26, 2013

sorry your Christmas day wasn’t so happy for you…..hugs p

December 26, 2013
December 27, 2013
December 27, 2013

Sharing a vehicle is harder than expected, I think because driving without preplanning or approval is about independence at least for many of us. I’m glad you had a good day after all and I hope Saturday will be even better!

December 27, 2013

Oh, and yes, that dream did seem lika nightmare and it is painful to relive old hurts. Some dreams seem so real and waking is such a shock even if that is a bit of a relief. Does writing it our telling it help? It usually helps me when I have an especially emotional dream.

December 28, 2013

Any chance you can pool resources with others in the community and do errands together? Share car/gas/driving? I am sure you will keep yourself busy!

December 29, 2013

I would go nuts without a car, rather be without a husband haha oh wait I am already! 😉