Yesterday I spent the day with my grandson. He is ten years old and still adorable. He is so easy going it was a pleasure. I met him at McDonalds. We had breakfast and then came to my condo. He played MINECRAFT on my computer for a few hours. I let him because I am sure he doesn’t have time to play at home. In the mean time I watched TV and had a nap. I also knitted but stopped because I need help. I am not sure if I am ready to start decreasing or not. I also need double pointed needles. Tomorrow I will go to the yarn store when we get to Plattsburgh.
We had lunch and then went swimming. So many memories. I use to take him there when I had to “carry” him. Now he walks along side me. We can go into the deep end together. We splashed. We swam in between everyone else. It was quite crowded. After the swimming we stopped at TOYS R US. I bought some LEGO for myself. I want to see how creative I can be. I heard a talk show about people who had played with LEGO as a child. It mentioned how this children had high positions in different companies. I told my grandson that when I grow up I want to work at a high falutin’ job!!!!!!
We came home. He played on the computer again so I had a chance for a nap. We had supper with hubby and then I took him home. Actually I dropped him off at his mother’s baseball game. She was super friendly. It’s so hard for me to accept that she is so different with my son.
I realize that I have to/should/want to make my own decision about my ex DIL. Of course I also have to think about what others tell me about her but right now I think she is ok. Of course I don’t see her interact with my son and I don’t live with her. I have no idea what she is really like. I just have to hope she is a “good” mother. For example my new DIL thinks my grandson should not or does not like watching her play baseball. However he seems very happy about it. My new DIL thinks he shouldn’t spend so much time with his cousin because one or two are older then him. She feels he watches Tv and listens to music that he is not old enough to do. She might be right but what about having older siblings? The same things can happen and do. So for now I will reserve my judgment. I will be nice to her as she is to me. She has respect for me which is so important. I think she would go out of her way for me. My son and new DIL – not so fast. Probably because they have two other children and are both working.
Not much else. Tomorrow we will be going to the country. I invited friends for supper. If I have time I will make spaghetti. Otherwise one of my friends bought barbecue chicken.
It’s been cool the last day or so. Great for me!

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thanks so much! that is actually the plan, to stay away from her and her brother emotionally and not get involved in any way..yesterday I went to verizon and removed my step son from our phone plan that way i can block his # because of his verbal abuse to me. i am tired of being stepped on. thanks for your note!

July 26, 2013

My 11 yr old grandson loves his Legos. He can make things that I would never figure out how to do. He sure loves to build things with his legos and can create some pretty neat things with them. Love,

July 26, 2013

I’m glad to read about your wisdom and willingness to take time to see what happens, as well as your willingness to have a day of easy-going activities with grandson. Sounds wonderful!

I have a SIL who never lost his love of building with Legislate and he is a very creative guy.

That’s Legos, not legislate. Auto correct! 🙂

July 26, 2013

Sounds like a good day. My son plays with his cousin who is 4yrs younger and it has made him slow down and keep in mind there is someone smaller and slower. Oh the stories I hear when he comes home makes me laugh.

July 27, 2013

I would not think the new DIL should have so much to say about how the ex DIL raises her son. Sounds like the two of you had a good day.