I am having trouble sleeping at night. During the day I can lie down just about anywhere and fall asleep. Last night I woke up and wandered for hours. The strange thing is I can’t be still. I need to keep moving and doing. I don’t know why. I just got out of bed. I hope it isn’t the same tonight. I go back into bed but I am just too restless to fall asleep. I did go to bed about ten. I fell asleep right away. Now I’m up! It’s three thirty. I wouldn’t mind if I could just sit and do something but something pushes me out of the chair. I am so restless! I am not even thinking of anything! If it keeps up I will go see my doctor.

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Tomorrow I will probably take two of my grandchildren to the museum to see the Chihuly exhibit. He is a glass artist and does amazing stuff. I have seen his work in Florida and also Jerusalem. I also have two of his books. I hope they will appreciate his work. I am going with my DIL’s SIL and her five year old son.

Go to to see his amazing work.

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July 2, 2013

try a nice warm drink before bed…NOT coffee. hugs p

July 2, 2013

We saw a few of his pieces at Atlantis in the Bahamas. Amazing!

July 2, 2013

That must drive you crazy! Hope you can figure something out and get a good night’s rest very soon.

The five year old will probably like it but at a faster pace than all the adults wish. LOL! Sleep patterns are a big ugh at times.

July 2, 2013

why dont you take a sleeping pill at night, and try not to nap during the day?

July 2, 2013

I hope you are able to get some rest soon. Not sleeping isn’t good. Sometimes I do the same thing,