This morning we stayed home. I did a washing and prepared spaghetti for supper. I knew that by the time I got home I would be tired and it would be late.
By the way for the last few weeks my hubby has not played golf with THAT WOMAN. Apparently she has trouble with a knee. It is a relief even though I was probably making too much of it.
Anyhow in the afternoon we went to the hospital. My friend does not look good. I wish I could look through a looking glass to see if he will get well. He was having trouble swallowing so he can’t eat or drink all weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On Monday they may try to insert a tube in his stomach. They were going to do it last week but couldn’t. Now they have a new idea……………
My other friend who had the back operation is doing great. She has been walking and going up and down the stairs. her children are amazing. They don’t take no for an answer. they encourage her strongly to get out of bed, walk etc.
I brought up some of my craft supplies. Now I have to start a project using rolled paper and another using melting crayons. Once I get started I will have something to do.

We aren’t going to the country this weekend. In the early morning we are going to watch one grandchild hip hop and the other gymnastics. Not sure what we will do after. Maybe get together with a couple…………………not sure if hubby would like to go to the country but I’m not planning to.

I have been feeling pretty good mentally. I am forever grateful for that.

My neuropathy has been bothering me – some days more than others. I haven’t started the lyrica yet. I am afraid of the side effects.

So now I will read some of your entries.

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May 4, 2013

Everything happens for a reason. Too bad about the knee problem.

May 4, 2013

Thanks for your note, Ging. I am glad you had a GOOD day. It is very nice that you have crafts projects to occupy you, and grandkids to watch hip hop. And a hubby to go to the country with. Really, sometimes big gifts come in small packages.

May 4, 2013

its nice how often you are able to visit your hospitalized friends. Enjoy some craft time. hugs p

May 5, 2013

Hope that you get relief from those (whatever ones) side effects.