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April 1, 2013

Welcome 🙂

April 1, 2013

I love living alone…flexible eating patterns and movements for one thing.And no one else controls the TV remote. Freedom to wander around naked or leave the toilet door open if desired…*smiles*. However there are times one tends to miss those special sharing moments. A pet comes in handy for comfort however. Its really all just a matter of priorities and lifestyle choices really. hugs p

April 2, 2013

well I don’t live alone as my daughters are with me, I can only dream about living alone someday. The pros are you don’t have to answer to anyone, you can do what you want when you want to, and the house tends to stay neater. You control the TV, music, food and drinks, you can cook or not cook if you don’t want to. The cons seem to be financial in nature, it is hard to pay all the bills when youare on your own. A roommate seems to be a good alternative, you can share the bills but do not have to answer to each other, only thing is you have to get along. Pets can be nice but they are like children, you have to take care of them. You might be at a point where you don’t want that responsibility anymore. My mom has been living alone for 20 years and is very happy.

I was married to an alcoholic so I basically was alone before I was divorced. Yes, my children was home, but I considered myself a married single parent. So I didn’t mind living alone. In fact I enjoyed it. I now have David and am still adjusting. but I could live alone again with no problems.

April 2, 2013

I agree with the above noters on some points..being able to do what you want when you want is #1..if I want to walk around naked I can 🙂 If I want to eat just cereal for supper I can. And the remote..yes. Just the freedom is what I like the most. It does take some getting used to yes, but now, I dont think I could ever live with someone again. The cons..having to do things on your own…like

April 2, 2013

all the “outside chores” that is the worst part for me. But I learned how. As far as not having the other persons income in the household..that took a bit of deciding what I needed and what I didnt. I think if you really are thinking of this..you need to make your own list of pros and cons and see how you feel about it. I wish you the best. Hugs,