This morning it was snowing and blowing. I woke up around five. I couldn’t go back to sleep so started my day. After breakfast I unpacked some more. I took a wonderful bath. Then a friend called. Our friend in the hospital took a turn for the worse. Hubby and I went out for lunch as planned. Then he drove me over to the hospital. I sat with my friend and her daughters for a couple of hours. Then I took a taxi to the grocery store and made an order. I didn’t get everything I needed because I knew I would run out of money. I will go back in the next day or two.
My friend in the hospital had an operation about three weeks ago. It’s been touch and go ever since. OY!
On Friday another friend is going in for a back operation! Not her first. Sure hope it helps her.
So I came home and unpacked my order. We had a quick supper and then we both fell asleep in the living room. I unpacked a little more but there is 
still more in my valise. I will finish soon as I want to get rid of the valises.
No plans for tomorrow. I have to finish unpacking and tidying up. I have to call my cleaning lady to see when she can come. My daughter and her boyfriend are coming on Friday for a few days.
So I better go empty my valise and call a friend. take care everyone.

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I am glad you are home safe. I hope that your friend starts to rally.

March 20, 2013

prayers for your friend. how i wish i had a cleaning lady! i could use one maybe every other week. take care,

March 20, 2013

Glad you made it back safely, sorry about your friend I hope she recovers.

March 20, 2013

Glad you are home safe and sound. Have a good visit with your daughter on Friday. Love,

March 20, 2013

so sorry about your friend. hugs p

March 20, 2013

So sorry that your friend isn’t doing well and will be praying for her as well.

March 21, 2013

Glad you’re home safe and sorry to hear about your friend in hospital. Hope everything will be okay with you and hubby as well.

March 21, 2013

Prayers for your friend!!

I hope your friends recover. It’s so hard to see people go downhill healthwise (or in any way, really)!