Twenty five days left in Florida. 
Had a very relaxing day yesterday.
This morning I am going swimming and to my stained glass. I was up around 5:30 so I will take something with for lunch. Hubby is going golfing so there is no rush for me to come home. I am thinking about going to the "shiva" house but I can’t make up my mind. I am not sure I should go. If I knew she would be alone I would go but chances are there will be other people there. We are not that close so I will probably skip it.
Tonight we are going to a movie but not sure which one. Maybe SAFE
 HAVEN. Maybe SILVER LININGS. Any suggestions?
I am excited about going home.
I have had a great winter here but as they say "THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME."
One of my friends at home is quite sick. They are making her a 75th birthday party. I won’t make it but I sure hope she’s ok when I get home. My cousin told me she was very worried about her.
I have been working on my needlepoint since I have been home a lot. I need to finish two before April 2016. If I don’t finish both I don’t know what I’ll do because they are for my grandsons and I can only give two – not one. I guess when the date gets closer I’ll start working overtime.
Anyhow going to put on my bathing suit and get going. Have a great day whaever you’re doing.

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February 18, 2013

It seems like you have lots of time to do the needle points but then I don’t know how big they are so I don’t know what I’m talking about. Hopefully you can get them done in plenty of time.

Your friend may get a boost from that party, and so be much better when you get back home. (I’m being optimistic; hope I’m right.) That needlepoint sounds a huge project; best wishes for keeping up a steady pace and getting it finished in time. RYN: Yes, that already-cut cabbage makes making coleslaw much easier, doesn’t it. My cabbage comes without invitation, in my box of seasonal vegetables, so I need to then prepare it myself. I really like the texture of it grated, so that’s not a big effort. Now I’ve made it a second time, this time following blevin’s recipe and using both onion flakes and celery seed, and it tasted terrific!

February 18, 2013
February 18, 2013

time flies when we’re having fun. hugs p