I tried to sleep but I have decisions to make. How do I make them? What I think is good for everyone? What might be the best for me?
My daughter is coming Friday night. She will be here until Monday morning. I have already decided that I will play Canasta on Monday at noon. She might leave after that. So be it!
Now I was planning to take my grandson on Thursday after school as usual. My son suggested I might take him Friday instead. What is better for me?
My daughter will arrive about seven eight on Friday night. I thought I would make supper here. My grandson has a baseball game Friday night at seven so my son would not be able to come here for supper. He does live near the highway that my daughter will have to pass on her way here. We could all meet near his house for supper. So I could take my grandson on Friday and then drop him off at his game at seven and meet my daughter somewhere near there.
My hubby plans to go to the country on Friday as usual. He wants to play golf on Saturday. Do I go with him? My daughter wants to come to the trailer so would come on Sunday for the day. So she would spend Friday and Saturday visiting friends and maybe her brothers. I would be at the trailer. 
On the other hand I could just stay here. I would spend as much time as possible with my daughter. Then on Sunday we would drive to the trailer for the day.
For my hubby it is so easy. He just does what is best for him. I know his reasoning is that my daughter will not be with him all the time if he stays here so why should he. Is he right?

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August 30, 2012

I think your husband is probably right….that your daughter would be spending a lot more time with you than she would with him, so he doesn’t need to be there. Carrie and I really value our mother/daughter time. She loves Joe too but doesn’t try to set aside “father/daughter” time. On the other hand, men OFTEN think only of themselves, while we women often try to please everyone. Every oncein awhile I think we need to focus on OURSELVES and what would make US the happiest. Not always, but definitely sometimes! hugs, Nicky

Oh, my! So much to try and organize in such a miniscule amount of time. I hope you can find a way to squeeze in all the visiting you want to do…You’ve been looking forward to getting with your grandson again, it must be disappointing to have to put it off another day 🙁