I must admit that sometimes your notes hit the nail right on the head!

I should/could volunteer. My excuse for not??????

Right now I visit at least two friends who are sick and stay at home. In fact we just came home from a friend who has been sick for a few weeks.

To be honest I think I am finding it hard to cope with our friends who are sick. We had a couple over a few nights ago for coffee. She called today to tell us that her operation is on Friday. I know it’s not happening to me but it is taking a toll on me.

Also I want to take my grandchildren every week. So it’s not that I am not busy. It’s just when I stay at home I end up sleeping. Maybe it’s something I just have to accept and not write about. Maybe I shouldn’t "worry" about being sad.

I feel that I should see my cousin every week or two. I think that the visiting is my "volunteer" work.

Maybe working with strangers would be better for me. I don’t know.

Monday I am not playing Canasta because there aren’t enough women. Instead I will make a large pot of chicken soup and bring it to my friends. Of course we will enjoy it too. I will also make some stew and roast chicken.

As far as my debt is concerned maybe I should stop writing about that too. I don’t want to ask my hubby to help. I want to do it on my own. I would appreciate some help from him but whenever I talk to him the conversation goes nowhere. Tonight I asked him for his US Visa and travel card for the Hampton Inn. I want to make reservations for the Fall when I travel to Florida. Did you see the cards? Neither did I! I have to badger him to get anything. Maybe that’s why women nag. I never wanted to be a nag so I get nowhere!

This afternoon I slept a couple of hours. Guess that’s why I am up still and raring to go. I just finished another two scrapbook pages. I guess I will finish the scrapbook for my son by September 25th.

So that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

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July 12, 2012

I think a lot of people worry too much about how much they sleep! You are a VERY busy person most of the time, with all the people you visit and stuff you do. I suspect that when you are home, you sleep because you are TIRED and need to catch up on some rest! So do I, and I am certainly not depressed. Nowadays it seems like people think there’s something unhealthy about being tired. Being tired isnormal when ya do a lot of stuff!! And I think you do a LOT for other people, and you do it all voluntarily… that IS “volunteering.” As for you being sad, I still think therapy and maybe a good anti-anxiety or anti-depressant would help. But you sure don’t need more stuff to do! hugs, Nicky

July 12, 2012

Being sad is a hard thing to deal with. I keep busy and try not to dwell on it. I have a friend who deals with it by making a list of 5 things she has to be thankful for every morning. She says it has helped her to stop dwelling on the things she’s not happy about in her life.

July 12, 2012


July 12, 2012

Hope today is a good day for you. Love,

July 12, 2012

Sleepiness during the heat of the summer is a normal physiological response to the heat. You should not feel at all guilty about wanting to nap a lot. If writing about your debt helps you feel better, why not continue to do so? Perhaps your husband wants you to clean up your debt to teach you a lesson. I am learning that lesson right now and learning it well, sigh.

July 12, 2012

please stop worring so much.If you feel tired and want to sleep all day so be it. 😀 Do what you want, write what you want, say what you want and all the pieces will fall in the right places by it self.

July 13, 2012

I wish I could sleep more. I missed your last entry. I think if any woman is taking care of their family, it is a TON of work.

July 14, 2012
