The first seder is over. Slowly we are getting ready for the second tonight. Hubby and I are not too excited about the whole thing. In fact we wish it would all go away. Maybe if we click our shoes and close our eyes…………. it’s just that we find it too much stress, too much work and too much work. NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m not sure what will happen next year but we certainly are not going to do it. I don’t think our children realize just how much work it is. I did get my daughter and her boyfriend to pitch in yesterday but boy you should have seen the pots and pans at the end of supper. I just did them this morning.
My daughter and her boyfriend went out for awhile. No problem. We can sit and relax.
Tonight my son will be here with his children. OY!!!!!! The tumult! I am going to ask him to lead the seder. He should get use to it.
I have noticed that a lot or should I say all my small appliances are grimy so I have being doing my best to clean them up. Why are there so many tiny crevices and places you just can’t reach?
I offered my children some knives. My daughter took some. The rest I just threw out as we certainly don’t need them.
I don’t know why hubby and I are so disinterested in the holidays. He never was too enchanted with them but as the years go by I have become less and less "interested". Maybe because of the work involved…………….Maybe because I just don’t care about the religion anymore………………..
Last night I did think it would have been nice to have a few guests but………………………….
My hubby said he had been thinking we should have had a few people over but he didn’t say anything. Maybe that’s why we are still married but I wish he would have said something. We could have talked about it and maybe come up with a different solution.
I am still disappointed that no one called to wish me a Happy Passover. My nephew who has been here all his life!!!!!!!!!!!! Same with my great nephews!!!!!!!!!!! OK!!!!!!!!!!!! So there is just tonight to go.
Then hubby and I can relax. I will have some couples over during the week to play some games. We can’t/won’t go out to eat so we may as well have company.
So it’s time for lunch. First I’ll call my sister. Hope I don’t wake her up…

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Perhaps next year you could invite someone like me who is not Jewish, does not know about sedar and would love to learn. And as you explained it perhaps some of the meaning would be there for you too. It would be more than just a holiday it would be helping someone understand more.

April 7, 2012

The holidays mean nothing to me anymore either. Since my kids are grown up, I could not be bothered, they all go their separate ways anyway. Maybe if I had grandchildren I would care more.