Yesterday I went shopping with my daughter to Sawgrass Mills. It is a huge shopping center with aisles that are like spokes of a wheel. So you walk up one aisle and then have to go back in order to get to the next one. We arrived at the mall about 11:30. By then half a million people were already parked. We drove around for awhile before we found the perfect spot! We went in. We stuck together for awhile. We had lunch at Paul’s – a delicious bakery but my grilled cheese was dry and yukky. Then we decided to split up. It was after 12. So off I went pushing a large shopping cart. I was ready to BUY!!!!! I did buy BUT IT WAS HOT AND THERE WERE BY NOW A MILLION PEOPLE RUSHING AND PUSHING AND GETTING IN MY WAY. I ended up buying a wonderful bathrobe at bed Bath and Beyond. The only trouble is when I got it home I realized that I bought the wrong size so have to go back today. NOT TO SAWGRASS. I’ll go to one nearby. I need the bathrobe for swimming. When I get out of the pool it is FREEZING!!! I bought some vitamins at VITAMIN WORLD. I bought some toys for my grandchildren. What else? I also bought some books at BOOKS A MILLION. I was so disappointed that they closed their coffee shop. The stre is half the size it use to be!!!!!!. BLOOMINGDALE moved in. About four thirty I was exhausted and HOT AND BOTHERED. There was no place to sit. Actually I did find a place to sit down but then my back hurt when I got up. I also didn’t have the patience to sit. I tried to call my daughter but had the wrong phone number. I don’t know if I took it down wrong or she gave me the wrong number. Long story short I couldn’t reach her. I decided to go out to get some air. It was cold so had to put on my sweater. I sat on a bench. Then I decided to look for the car so I walked up and down and down NO LUCK! That’s when I went to BOOKS A MILLION and wandered up and down the aisles. Finally I met my daughter at six thirty. She knew exactly where the car was. MY POOR FEET!
We decided to go to the Galeria Mall for supper. First we went to buy some TEA and TEAVANNA! I have to go back to TEVANA today to get some for my son’s girlfriend. We went to Capital Grill and had excellent steaks.
We got home close to ten happy, but exhausted.
This morning I have to preaper some stuff to mail my grandchildren. Then my daughter and friend are coming with me to return my bathrobe etc.
So only two more days before my children are leaving. I LOVED HAVING THEM here. I will miss them!!!!!!!!!
Next week my courses start so I will be busy. I have two art courses, a drumming course and stained glass.
o time for breakfast and then on with my day.
My sugar levels have been great lately. Not sure why but I’m happy.
Tonight is bridge.
So that’s it and that’s all.



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