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I am so very tired as I was busy all day and didn’t have time for a nap. We got rid of the Hanukah decorations except for the tree which I plan to keep for awhile. I changed the beds and did two loads of washing. I called my two sons. I worked on the jigsaw puzzle. I made lunch.
After lunch I picked up my friend and went to hear a speaker on the Holocaust. As a child he was saved by a gentile who fell in love with his sister. he promised that he could save the family if she married him. It was quite interesting. he never did go to a concentration camp. On the other hand his sister was there. She’s over 80! She would NOT speak. She did say she was in Berkenau and had undergone a horrible experience. I wouldn’t be surprised that she was used for medical experiments. Many of the Holocaust survivors have come forward to tell their stories because they are getting old and dying off. People are encouraging survivors to write or tell their stories on video etc.
After that we stopped for coffee and had time to talk. Then we went out for supper with our husbands. We walked around TARGET and I bought some toys to mail my grandchildren. That’s about it but it’s ten and I can’t move so want to wish everyone a goodnight. I’m otta here.

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December 13, 2010
